Well here I come with the crashing of this topic Shawn. Topic wasn't meant be directed at anyone in particular but probably a majority of the clans out there. It's sad how 2010 is the age of CLW, how clans now look at preps as fearful, as opposed to back in 2005 when clans looked at fullouts as fearful. It literally is sad. I'm personally not a big fan of clan wars, but it is the fairest way to deal with any sort of clan warfare. You set rules and fight your fight. Clan wars along with clan chat is the most useful tool for clans in Runescape. It's your own practice field, your own area to get better. Why not use it? What does it matter if you lose a weekday prep war in Clan Wars. Weekdays are for exhibitions (Laymans terms = practice). The way you prepare your clan during the week is how you should expect to perform on the weekends. I like keeping my clan on their toes, I don't want them to get the image of a yew tree implanted in their memory and for them to forget hotkeys when we have a run in on Sunday. I like giving my clan an opportunity to practice during the week and other clans should be the same way with theirs. Weekends are where it matters, not clan wars.
If you want a hateful perspective on it, clan leaders have gotten alot more immature over the years which as you know, indecision is a side effect of immaturity. I think that in 2005, a fullout would knock out an immaturely led clan, would it not? Nowadays, there are no fullouts to knock a bad clan out of scape. CPR has had 3 fullouts in its 1 year of being around, vs. POT, CY, and C. We went 2-1 respectively in those fullouts. Losing to Carnage did make us slump badly, I will acknowledge that, but we overcame the slump because of mature leadership and guidance in the proper direction.
Basically what i am saying is, clans that are maturely led can overcome any type of scenario. Clans that are immaturely led, are somewhat fearful of closing, due to what they have built. A prep nowadays can kill a clan. Any clan. Which I don't even want to fathom a wilderness fullout because most clans nowadays aren't even willing to participate in a matched clan wars practice prep. It's sad to say that this is what Runescape has come to. I say, we go ahead and unite as a pure community and take control of Jagex, and rollback servers to 2005. So we can get our rightfully deserved free rune! Who's with me?!
2005: 90+range with dds=OWN
2010: Maxed account vs Maxed account= Who knows, whoever has the best prod weapon wins.