Soo you think if we had the same averages in def/prayer you would also only lose 4 people?
yeah alright I can see why youd fail to understand 'my' logic, or any logic at all for that matter, thats not something id like to help you with though soo gl with that.
excellence, 30def turm is compareable to what 40-45 def was years back, its not pure and I disagree to that the pure world wouldnt be awesome without all this 30def turm, although you have a good point being, its here now and it wont go away, and you can either go with the flow or you can fight at a disadvantage to this new type of clan.
but honestly, I dont mind it so much that id go main myself, idm being the underdogs when it comes to this, its just like fighting mixed clans with both pures & rune pures back in the days, its more challenging & more rewarding to beat.
Jagex has always intended for players to get defence from day 1, and not just 30-45. ( you dont have to say this, I played since classic, its common knowledge)
but thats completely besides the point to why people have made pures since classic & still to this day the majority of lower lvled pkers are pures, its more fun / easier to compete with & doesnt require a whole lot of time & money like it does to be a successful main.
and I wouldnt exactly say we're slumping, but ofc it takes extra to compete with this new type of defence-including clan that most former pure clans have become.
You must have leadership that is very adamant with keeping their traditions as a pure clan.(cwutididthere ;b) As I don't disrespect MM in any way, I feel that there is a distinct disadvantage and with the growing pure community populus gaining in defence levels every day and MM remaining the same. It is most likely only going to get too difficult to compete; and at that point I do not see the scenario for MM succeeding.