We don't pull enough to compete? We pull 30~ to nearly every pcl and beat clans out-opted nearly every time. It's kind of funny that you are saying that when that's what CPR grew to be known for in its earlier days (how well we fought in CLW). The statement you made is completely oxy-moronic. The way I have grown to know PCL was lower pulling clans doing PCL to avoid the EOP MM FOE BS that takes place every Friday. Not every clan pulls 70 to Fridays, and when EOP/FOE/MM find out any clan is out on Friday they chased them away leading the community to resort to PCL again. Like for example, Foe was split CC's today because they pulled 60+ to PCL. Bigger clans bullied smaller clans out of the wild on Fridays. Either way, CPR will not be attending another PCL as the planning is very poor, the rules are somewhat trash, and now that HPC's arrive and spam up the whole place with idiotic ****, it just makes PCL all the less enjoyable. Down with PCL, UP WITH PKING (If the HPC's mind their own damn business and stop crashing everything on Fridays).
So when you are faced with something either stronger or bigger than yourself you turn tail and run instead of taking on the challenge?
When I was in a what you consider a "mpc" my clan love having to fight other clans either bigger or stronger than us because we could use this to see how we measured up against other clans and grow stronger from it. I mean really what do you have to lose?
No. It's just incredibly pointless jamming 500+ players in that small of a space. How are we turning tail when we beat every other MPC matched in P2P and have beaten them in preps with actual rules and def caps. We already know how we match up with other clans. By the terms of what do we have to lose, we have nothing to lose. Because we are the best matched MPC in P2P. It's been proven with our prep victories. You must be too caught up in the MM FOE soap opera to notice.