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We made it 6 weeks with a 40+ pull on Saturdays yesterday but sadly we didn't get much action. We fought SMD which was crashed by IR and then we fought M which was crashed by CP. After yesterday, we were hungry for some CP blood. We peaked at 40 People on this sunday trip and fought LT, LP, MG, PD, CP, DP and E. Enjoy!
Video - Coming Soon
Calamity vs Lithuanians then Legendary Pures then Mid Generation
This first fight was very entertaining. We have wanted to get our hands on Lithuanians for quite a while but something has always got in the way. To start our trip off we rushed Lithuanians and the battle begun. We were spread on the sperm hill and then Legendary Pures rushed from the north. After that, Mid generation rushed from south of the sperm hill by clan wars. Some of Lithuanians were still south by giants and rushed back up and so we were fighting from the north, south east and south west. We immediately switched to the volcano north of the sperm hill and started taking out Legendary Pures and Mid Generation. After that, Lithuanians charged and we took them too. Shortly after, PD rushed in with around 15 people or something and then ran away. The fight lasted around 10 minutes but Calamity won losing next to nobody.
[CY] Starting - 40
[LT] Starting - 30
[LP] Starting - 20
[MG] Starting - 20
[CY] Ending - 36
Calamity vs Corrupt Pures
After CP crashing us yesterday, we were looking forward to getting back at them. We were outnumbered by 16 people but we set out searching for them anyway. Our scouts told us that they were at the Spider Village and so we rushed up there immediately to find CP logging in. Cp immediately rushed west as we rushed in and the fight begun. After a few minutes of fighting, CPs numbers had dropped and so they started to retreat to Bounty Hunter. Not many got away as we chased them all the way down making sure we killed as much as we could.
[CY] Starting - 39
[CP] Starting - 55
[CY] Ending - ~35
[CP] Ending - ~15
After this, we waited a while for CP to mass up and as we were about to hit them Epidemic rushed them and they started fighting. We rushed in and started taking out CP until they retreated north and then we regrouped losing hardly anybody.
Pictures (More coming soon)