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Ow 3 Hit

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Everything posted by Ow 3 Hit

  1. I wouldn't want your thoughts hindered just because Zenith and IR don't like each other for whatever reasons. And not going to lie, I've quoted your lyrics on "Love Escape Me" and bitches loved it. Then followed it up with a link, and they were like "omg ryan you sing so good" I didn't say anything, it was me. I sang that, sorry. Glad to see my post actually stood out because it took a good 5 minutes to write, and I appreciate your response because in all honesty I was expecting... "Lol, IR is ****." or something along those lines. Good luck bro, once again. EDIT - Me, you, and Evan could have some sexy music time.
  2. You'd be a perfect fit for Intense Redemption, I've always liked you and respect your decisions for leaving Zenith. I never reply seriously to these and just throw out some ********, but I feel you deserve one. If IR is even WILLING to accept your 34 def, or overlook it because you're such a great member. Then I'd love to see you join us, if not, I wish you luck wherever and whoever will accept you. Sometimes accounts come 2nd to the member, just... 34 is a bit much. Hang out in #IRClan or maybe even throw out an intro, good luck. P.S - I really like your music, like listen to it on repeat at times. http://rs-ir.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5...3635#entry63635
  3. Lol @ taking this out of context He was killed way before we fought any clan. Expected from a clan of 14 year olds though. There's video proof you us clearing you with no mains around, if that's not enough proof you're an idiot.
  4. Stop reading after "We had a main with us whom had gear" He came with a member who was running from single up, and was piled by IR when he met up with us at New gate for our first fight. You guys can't even admit defeat, pathetic really. A bunch of IR had said off, but about 10 of us didn't care.
  5. Did you guys really say we brought mains? I myself am so against bringing mains, and I will tell you which 2 mains were with us. It was Ieat(who had nothing on and was looting) and I forgot the other kids name, but he was also ungeared. We had a main with us whom had gear, and I personally sniped him before you guys even came. I don't know who he was, but he had FOE in his name, but was a zerker. This topic is an obvious flame to us, this topic is pure propaganda and our videos prove you were cleared multiple times. I dislike hypocrisy, Zenith. What little respect I have of your clan has now been diminished to the final result - 0 If a mod deletes this, I don't understand why you would. I'm not flaming, nor trolling, or baiting. Just putting out my opinion of this thread.
  6. #IRClan /insert bullsh!t here Www.rs-ir.com/forums
  7. "No progress" *we pulled 45 this week* Okay Tiger, lol.
  8. Oh cool, they went further into the wild because we used mains... Nice logic, and proof... Didn't even vid any of our fights either, what a shocker.
  9. From our video it shows otherwise, shows you getting pushed pretty hard losing the fight. Returning to another location is defeat in itself, but okay.
  10. Tiger, read this topic, realize you're half-retarded and walk away. This topic shows 2 fights which were crashed and nobody in IR has claimed the win... But Zenith and Control have. Please never return to any of our topics in the future, just in sake of your own self-image.
  11. Another subtle flame, why did you even post this? We have not claimed any wins, you're a moron. I can't believe the idiocy in this post, nowhere on this topic has said "IR ending - 594674567 Z ending - 0" We have also posted a video for anyone dumb enough as Tiger is, although he won't watch it because he obviously didn't even read the thread.
  12. I wasn't there, all I know is our video shows you being pushed everywhere. It cut off at around mossies, but I still saw before the video ended 2 Zenith being 1 banged. I don't care of the outcome as you guys do, I care about having fun. Try it sometime.
  13. You make Zenith look so bad, I don't know why they allow you to be in their clan. OT: Great job IR, the point of this topic is to show what we did on our trip. Of course it will never be 100% fact, nor will your topic be. Troll elsewhere.
  14. Is that your new clan? Lol, keep hopping around retard.
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