You don't have to be mad about today then coming here and posting **** that's not true and you know it.
FOE agreed to do 30 defence, we fight them 1 defence all the time and beat them plenty of times.
You're taking it way too offensively.
FOE were all in 1 def gear and you were all in mith and addy. That's it. You had a significant advantage, and you don't seem to acknowledge it.
Don't bring up irrelevant shit like "we fight them 1 defense all the time and beat them plenty of times", that just makes you look like you're desperate for a good public image. Stay on topic.
P.S I have no reason to be mad about what happened against NME and EoP, it was a fun miniwar.
You inferring my clan can't compete without addy is offensive, and you obviously meant it to be so. I acknowledge that we were in mith and addy and they weren't, nowhere have i denied it, and my statement about our previous 1 defence fights isn't irrelevant as you implied we could only win where we have an armour advantage.
And i'm perfectly calm, although a little amused at you camping this thread attempting to troll and bait people all because we beat you in a 15 v 15 that no-one in my clan really gave two ***** about :squid:
Re-read my reply to you previously. I never said that your clan cannot compete without addy, because that is irrelevant. In this particular fight you all had addy+mith, whereas FOE did not have any of that to their advantange. In this particular prep, the addy+mith helped you guys much more than your leading, your piling, etc. You did not outpreform FOE, which is simply my opinion, based off of the facts. (FOE's 1 def against EOP's addy)
Stop jumping to conclusions and implying things that I haven't actually said. You've only replied with speculations. Please stop assuming things.
No you guys did not acknowledge the fact that you all had addy on, and FOE had 1 def armour on. You only made yourselves look like kings.
As for the little "Y3W R TR0LL N B41T CUZ Y3W MAD3 WE B33T Y3W" - I am actually glad we had that miniwar against you guys, and I'm proud of my members that they came out giving you guys a fight.
Oh, and you've been camping this topic as much as me. No need for personal insults here.