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Everything posted by Prateek

  1. Yes drama is very much needed, but I'm not saying that it will be gone and rivalries will be boring due to leaders being nice to each other. All I'm saying is that leaders should just be civil with each other and try to get as much fights as possible during their trip time. That won't make the rivalries dull, it'll just make it less full of ******** and ddosing. Even if people do think about winning too much now, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It'll make the fights harder and raise the bar in pure fights. The problem is that every clan is using dirty tactics and simply just being morons. I'm not saying be polite with other leaders. There is a difference between being polite with someone and proposing an agreement which can benefit both sides. The outnumbering part I already addressed in another post. Aww you should have posted your text wall, I would have read it.... ain't that enough :) ?
  2. Well a clan who pulled 70 wouldn't be going for a clan who pulled 100 so I don't see how numbers can be a problem. A clan pulling 70 would for clans in the range of 65-75 peoples. It's the bitching about the other clan consisting of all addy or whatever. Sitting on a gwas spot is totally upto the members. I doubt clan leaders would spend time trying to gwas if all of their members are bitching for a war, so that's irrelevant. Waiting 10-15 minutes is a whole lot different then waiting 1 hour. There isn't any clan here that gets a fight every 10-15 minutes. Ain't gonna address the HF issue cause it's dumb and irrelevant. Also waiting for a clan to drop numbers (which isn't even promising) sounds like a pretty fackin retawded trip to me lol. What's the point in even showing up if you have to wait an hour or so before you can even hit a clan because you're too busy being pusse. Which also brings me back to the actual topic at hand - STOP BICHIN AT EACH OTHER AND START BEING RESPECTFUL SO YOU CAN GET FIGHTS EASIER AND MAKE THE TIME YOU SPEND ON YOUR TRIPS WORTHWHILE. I honestly don't think it'll change a thing, but I dun give a fack, I felt like voicing my opinion and thoughts. Cause I can.
  3. From: Finland (ik i shudnt be replying to morons on my own topic but that was just funny as **** lmao)
  4. TR0L33D H3H People just need to realise that no-one's clan is GOOD. Not one single clan in this community is better than the other. Simple as that. Propaganda and dirty tactics only get you so far, so instead of bitching at each other all the mother fackin time (yes im mad br0), why not just talk shet out like actual human beings and take advantage of this shet game? Instead of hiding and bitching on trips, why not set up agreements amongst clan leaders? Think about it, you can spend 3 hours on your trip where you get around 2-3 fights (keeping in mind these fights are all dirty), or you can spend the whole 3 hours having clean-no bollshet fights. We all love pure clanning because of those 2-minute fights where everything is hectic and its fun as hell to pile/spam/push/execute calls. So why not work on actually fackin (mad :D ) spending MOST of your time doing that? Instead of clan leaders actually being civil, fair, and understanding, so you can take advantage of this shet game, you guys make this game for your clan members even more shet then it already is. How do you do that? BY FACKIN DRAGGING YOUR MEMBERS WHO ARE DEDICATED TO YOUR CLAN FOR 80% OF THE TRIP AROUND WORLDS AND LOBBY (caps+bold means im even madder). Instead spend 80% of the time warring each other and 20% banking/lobby.
  5. So you're saying that people who choose to pk together at low lvl are automatically worse than people who choose to pk at a higher level? OT: The LPC scene at the moment is definitely not where it's suppose to be, but I have a feeling it will be getting better. Let's keep calling it Lowlevel Pure Clans :).
  6. Join CP. You'd fit in perfectly with their members and ranks.
  7. He is a hypocrite but what's the point in bashing him now? We can sit here and call him hypocrite and say that his clan is doing **** now so that's why he isn't caring or we can also acknowledge the fact that him and his friends (staff and members of foe) are enjoying getting loot and just hanging out together rather then them having headaches over something pointless and everlasting. Try to look at all sides rather then just being arrogant. Excuse the run-on sentence lol.
  8. Very nice topic, but the fact of the matter is that noone can stop the arguing and bitching for #1. I personally think that all the flame and fights over the #1 spot isn't neccesarily bad. It keeps the community active rather than just boring. #1 is something different to everyone, to some it means full outs and to some it means consistency. Something to make all this arguing not as pointless would be making a standard for #1. This way people just don't bash heads as they are now. People need to start specifying #1 aswell. For example, people can't just say "clan A #1 pure clan". There isn't A pure clan, everyone is strong in their own fields. There needs to be a set standard and LEADERS need to take responsibility. Leaders lead and members follow, its as simple as that. There are too many people on these forums who just simply don't give a flying ****, and that's fine as long as you're not breaking any rules. Everyone needs to stop making such a big deal about all of this and propose actual solutions. To make a change, you need to change yourself first. We cannot change the state of this community if EVERYONE isn't on board. Simple as that.
  9. Not sure if trolling Re-read it slowly you god damn simpleton lol
  10. Newfags infesting pure community, rip old school +1 Newfags are taking over =( They would be so lost if we used a time machine and put them back in the days before TS/Vent, cc, and teamcapes in f2p loll hey lay off of him he's a proud 1 year member of cp, but he likes to talk trash about the old th rivalry days! Yeah man let's make fun of newfags because being an oldfag is a real accomplishment. Omg totally everyone would be so lost before vent and teamcapes because Runescape is soo hard bro! yea i'm putting 1 month member of the #1 clan epidemic on my resume. feels good to know i'm getting a job! More chances of getting a job if you put down how long you've been playing runescape and been a member of the pure clanning community. You sure are proud of it. Poor response Prageek, I expected better. However, `Pure did make me lol about getting a job. MM- The original pure clan EOP - I can't believe no one has mentioned their ranged unit back in the day CP - #1 in the original BH era, but most clans didnt compete in it FOE - Always been near the top FI - Had their ups TLP - Dominating forice in P2P You probably didn't get it. Not surprised.
  11. Newfags infesting pure community, rip old school +1 Newfags are taking over =( They would be so lost if we used a time machine and put them back in the days before TS/Vent, cc, and teamcapes in f2p loll hey lay off of him he's a proud 1 year member of cp, but he likes to talk trash about the old th rivalry days! Yeah man let's make fun of newfags because being an oldfag is a real accomplishment. Omg totally everyone would be so lost before vent and teamcapes because Runescape is soo hard bro! yea i'm putting 1 month member of the #1 clan epidemic on my resume. feels good to know i'm getting a job! More chances of getting a job if you put down how long you've been playing runescape and been a member of the pure clanning community. You sure are proud of it.
  12. Newfags infesting pure community, rip old school +1 Newfags are taking over =( They would be so lost if we used a time machine and put them back in the days before TS/Vent, cc, and teamcapes in f2p loll hey lay off of him he's a proud 1 year member of cp, but he likes to talk trash about the old th rivalry days! Yeah man let's make fun of newfags because being an oldfag is a real accomplishment. Omg totally everyone would be so lost before vent and teamcapes because Runescape is soo hard bro!
  13. Nice topic. MM; Oldest pure clan, Mahatma, and shifted main focus from P2P to F2P due to helplessness. Inconsistent but have been a top 3 contender in both servers for majority of the time, and having the largest community. FOE; Always have been the icon of pure P2P pking. Dominated the P2P server for years and have bred many famous individual pures. Fi; Despite the shithole they've been in lately, they set the precedent of success in F2P and displayed true organization and leadership it takes to dominate the F2P server. EOP; One of the most inconsistent clans ever but as of late have been on their ****. An original F2P clan with one of the best member core. CP; Had their laugh, but now in an everlasting slump. Merged with SD, and lost its quality when SPW and his mimioms left.
  14. Without a doubt. I wouldn't tell my members that I closed it for money so most likely they'd be around in IRC or whatever. Its not like I'm giving away my friends, I'm just breaking a bond which doesn't even hold me and my good friends together.
  15. ... Humans Against Monsters? ...How dare you :ninja:
  16. Looks like a whole lotta drama, but nevertheless its very nice to see so much life in pure clanning. Hopefully it stays like this. Good job to everyone who participated in the cluster and keep up the activity.
  17. Personally I think Ivp deserves #2 more than Plode, but still a pretty accurate list. @Rage: Exactly. Also, welcome back :)
  18. Good job MM. Chins up EOP, try harder next time.
  19. Not trying to start an arguement or anything but a good leader makes progression- not maintain. My top 3 leaders: Ivp; Her strive to be the best and her ability of execution easily puts her at the top of my list. She is a genius in-game but her true strength is how she runs a clan. The mind-set her speeches and decisions gave off was perfect and everything you would need to have a clan that stomps its opponents and makes progression. James; He was everything to Fi and I believe that is what makes a great leader, great. He ran his clan perfectly and knew exactly which decisions would be for the better or worse. He was a great leader in all aspects and kept his clan on top for the time-being he was active. Cha0s Pur3; Very much like James, he played a huge role in his clan. He lead FOE in their prime and made the most out of his clan. He was a great community leader and kept social problems in his clan to a minimum. He had a shitload of experience and he brought up Foe perfectly.
  20. Most of these replies didn't even answer what's being asked properly. I respect (NOT LIKE) Fatality simply because they've always been going H.A.M. from the start, even when they're down. How can one respect a clan for being chill? Its all about going hard and reaching for the top. Chill clans are only clans that don't know what it takes to go H.A.M. and I don't respect that. (No offense to anyone)
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