Hatred in the Pure Community is taken out of proportion and stretched out to be personal. Sure competition is fueled by hatred for opponent, hatred brings life to the community, but only to a certain extent. People need to realize that they can't take hate to the point where it's more personal than just on the battlefield.
Hate should only be used on the battlefield to promote fights, which ultimately leads into more fun for both sides because this community is ran on competition. Without competition, this is nothing, and people lose interest easily. The communitys current state is that hate is brought upon a whole new level in which it has become personal, which ultimately leads to phishing/hacking/ddosing etc.
I think a number of people have also mentioned this and pointed it out to help correct this fatal flaw of the community. Bob did it on E's closing topic. Of course it was over-looked because E and MM's rivalry wasn't filled with hate for the other CLAN, and for the people of the opposing side as MEMBERS OF THE CLAN, the hate in E vs MM was personal. MM felt that E didn't deserve nor were they "worthy" enough to take the title for them, and E felt that MM weren't the gods of pure clanning and they can be overthrown if things are executed properly. That type of hate is the type of hate being passed around in the pure community, and it needs to be addressed.
Leaders need to take actions for their own clans and address to their members that hate only goes as far as the battlefield. I mean, sure you may not agree with what happened in a fight with your opponent, or you may not agree with their ideals and thoughts, but unless you address those type of scenarios in the right manner, it's only making the community worse. Instead of bringing up irrelevant **** while you're arguing with your opponent about your fight at Chaos Altar, why not stay on topic, provide solid proof, and stop with the shady ******** for the betterment of the community?
A lot of people are concerned about this type of ****, but if you want to make a change, you have to change yourself first.
P.S. The type of hate I'm talking about is also shown in this very topic. I don't want to put specific people on the spot or put anyone down, but if you read some of these replies, you'll see what I mean.
P.S.S. Don't get the E vs MM example twisted, I know it's been brought up way too many times, but I feel thats the best example I can use since I was actually involved in that one.