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Everything posted by Prateek

  1. Just because E and IR have the same cape, doesn't mean you mix them up that bad... :confused: Your pro troll though.. Tomorrow's Preds: 1)MM 2)FOE 3)TLP 4)TAODC Probably 5)C 6)DP/E - If one clan can outopt the other by 5+ then it's their spot.
  2. I already mentioned in my earlier post, Good Fight on that. I'm talking about a clear fight at Portal like the one displayed in the pic.
  3. ^ This is when IR crashed us, we took our focus off MM and went to kill them and then MM come back going "GF world". We decided to hop out seeing as we had no food, and no pray after fighting MM then IR. 1)MM - A clear fight with you would be nice. 2)E- 93ish people, Rampage.. 3)FOE
  4. Today 1)MM - Beat E in 1 fair fight at Chaos Dwarves, good job. Rest was IR coming in. At the fight at portal, we stepped away to go kill ir.. Vids will be out, you did not clear world. We cleared IR and then couldn't fight you because of low food. 2)E - Rampage Mode Activated, beat every clan, no fair fight with FOE but we had more people and they ended 1 1/2 hours earlier. Also pulled 92ish 3)FOE- Expect Rampage from you next weekend. 4)Don't know.
  5. P2P Preds for tommorrow- 1)FOE 2)TLP 3)MM 4)DV/C 5)DV/C 6)DP 7)E 8)IR/FI
  6. Today- 1.)MM 2.)FOE- Would have been fun to fight. 3.)E 4.)DP 5.)CP 6.)TLP/M 7.)TLP/M 8.)Fi- Really glad to see you, hurry and come back soon.
  7. Goodjob m8s sad I missed increasing my networth off IR.
  8. Saturday Predictions- 1)Foe- Dominant 2)MM/E - Should be pretty interesting if both clans pull close to each other. 3)^ 4)CP/TLP- Whoever pulls more. 5)^ 6)M- Have been pulling great in the past weeks, pulled 58ish (?) Last Saturday. I don't think you can top that for now. Solid organization. 7)DP/DV- Hope DV starts putting effort into F2P, I miss our fights lol. 8)^ 9)IR- Keep trying to crash, I can use more rune.
  9. lmfao!!!!!!!!! :P :P :D >.< :3 xD :o ~<3 \(^_^)/
  10. lmfao!!!!!!!!! :P :P :D >.< :3 xD :o ~<3 \(^_^)/
  11. A)Irrelevant. B)Not really, you tried to crash us on saturday for no reason and got smacked at that too. We pushed DP out of the altar and you rush from the West side. DP was near Port, and we were right north of the CA entrance, you hit both DP and us. We call a regroup at CWA, come back out and hit IR. Bob was right behind IR and confirmed that IR had no backup at all.. What does that mean? That means we were about to finish you until HF crashed and we went to CWA because we didn't want to get mixed with the crash. C)You were never "winning". As I said before and I'll say it again.. We pushed you a mini-map (Dwarves -> BH stairs) and you guys stood in single the whole time and waited for a full stocked group of IR to return and hit E while they were low on food/runes/ammo/prayer from their win of the initial war. You came, cleared us and we called returning off. The people you say in single were the people who just out-tanked you and were about to log but couldn't cos IR members were attacking them from single. Also a main clan (HF or VH) came. No, tell your members to return. But tell them not to hug single and actually fight, next time just accept the loss instead of pulling such cheap tricks. And tell the ones who were 1 iteming, to not 1 item cause it's really bad for IR's clan image... Bro.
  12. You saw a few different E members die 4-5 times because they returned in the regular fight? We called returning off when you overwhelmed us with your regroup. When we cleared IR from dwarves to BH stairs, you guys had people standing in Non-multi (some were even spotted 1 iteming). You guys sat in Non-Multi and had a group of IR members return with full inv of food etc etc, whilst E was still low food from when we cleared you guys. Then you pushed us north and we called off returning. A)You came out 1 hour after everyone and peaked at 30ish people. B)You crashed E V DP and failed. You got dropped by E at that, and as Bob said he was behind you guys and he confirmed you had no back-up. C)We cleared you from Dwarves to BH stairs and you used cheap tactics like sitting in non-multi until the group came back.
  13. F2p Saturday- 1)FOE- Way too many opts, too strong for anyone atm. 2)E- Beat MM 2 times, lost once and killed CP/IR/TLP on same inventory. 3)MM- Had a couple of Malice with them, it was a halloween weekend so I don't blame them for the weak pull. Beat E at the first run-in. 4)CP 5)TLP 6)IR- Don't know who else was out at F2P, but if your going to crash have some impact. P2P Sunday- 1)FOE - Heard you beat TLP and lost to MM whilst ending. Also you came out earlier then MM. 2)MM/TLP- Don't know what happened. 3)MM/TLP- Don't know what happened. 4)Dv- Heard you beat C? 5)C- Heard you lost to Dv? 6)E- Peaked at 38 today, we were beating DP but IR crashed and so did mains so there was no clear winner. Also we beat IR but they decided to hug single 1 iteming until most of their group came back, and we came out earlier 7)DP- Pulled a really good amount today, came out early aswell. Would have beat IR at your peak. 8)IR- Look at #6. Overall Ths Weekend- 1)FOE- Dominant in everything, pulling a lot aswell. 2)MM- Didn't pull enough for FOE and did decent in both servers. 3)E/TLP- E did good at F2P and TLP did good at P2P. Both clans did about the same damage but in corresponding servers. 4)E/TLP- ^ 5)Dv- Decent in both
  14. Sure mate, asap you get some decent leaders. :banana:
  15. Not really, E has proved to have great organization by beating clans with 10+ higher averages then them in matched opts, we just need higher pulls to compete with clans pulling higher then us. With a active ml of 103, and pulling 60+ Each week is pretty good, it needs to get bigger but that's our own problem. :D As for 'quickly rising', E hit top 5 f2p clans with 70+ reqs in a matter of 5 months of it's rebirth. Think that is about one of the fastest anyone has hit the top in a long time. Yeah that's top overall in terms of clan that go in both servers, disregarding what they do in it. Top 10 Overall - The most stable clan, good leadership, Who does more damage in their field and who has more potential. (I made this list few pages ago, but it hasn't gone through your thick skull yet.. so I'll remake it) 1)FOE 2)MM 3)TLP 4)E 5)DV 6)CP/IR - CP does way more in F2P then IR does in P2P and ofc they have better leadership. They've got edge I'd say. 7)CP/IR 8)Fi 9)DP 10)M
  16. Sorry about the Run-in lol. Seeing as the second round was 58 E vs 53 DP, with E losing only 6 people, I think that's pretty acceptable.
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