I seriously can't say this enough.
It is the people who post on Pure Warfare, not Pure Warfare that causes this. People are still going to talk **** about other clans, and flame other clans via IRC or the other clans forums. It is clearly against our rules to flame/bait on our boards, but the immaturity level of people in pure clans now-a-days is at an all time low.
Obviously I'm defending PW because I'm a staff member, but also because I understand you can't blame PW for the way that people act. We don't have propoganda or advertisements out there saying "Come here and talk ****!" We try and make the most enjoyable community for everyone, but of course there are **** ups that have to come along and ruin the fun for the people who can be sensible and mature around others with different opinions.
People are immature, and don't follow board rules
Flame is easy seen because of above ^
Without PW, flame would be on IRC/Scape/Clan Forums
People will always talk **** and flame/bait
Without PW flame would be heavily reduced.
Irc flaming = kb/akick/+m
RS flaming = private > friends
Clan forums = Forum ban/mute, doubt people would flame there too, most are too lazy to go trough register stage.
Just be honest, this site doesn't add anything, only has downsides. I know u mods can't do a thing bout it, but u have the ability to close it/shut it down, and prevent a lot of **** in the pure world.
Just my opinion
The site helps a lot to many pures IMO and is growing and improving in a good way. You can never take away the flame/bait/trolls but I think the advantages of this forum are weighed more than the disadvantages.
Would have been nice to see what u mean with that this site is helping a lot of pures. There are only a few good guides on these forums, they get introduced to the rotten world of pures which ***** at eachother every third post, they see clans do everything to make the other make worse, trying to debate of every clan's win or loss, just to make their own clan look better. I highly doubt that a random pure, who joins these forums to try to find a clan to have fun in, will think that it helps him, or that he feels he entered to have some fun talking with other pures. And well just look at the recruit me section, all pures who left another clan searching a new clan, almost to none new pures who found this site, and wanted to join a clan.
You can take away the flame/bait/trolls, close this site. Simple as that. Most people have the clanmembers they like added of out other clans, and honestly this forum isnt a forum where people meet up, and chill, from all over the pure world. If mods see that the only things this forum provides are flaming/trolling and bitchin' all around, even if they can't do a thing bout it, then they should just be honest with theirselves, and close this ****, for the good of all the pures.