Eh....Just wanna point something out, this was 2 days ago Btw.
Look in the cc.
.Clan'd pretty much all of them.
(01:28:28) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan art of comb0
(01:28:29) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Art Of Comb0 was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:28:44) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan ash4rmhell x
(01:28:45) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Ash4rmhell X was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:28:52) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan bowly inc
(01:28:52) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Bowly Inc was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:29:06) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan brutality u
(01:29:06) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Brutality U was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:30:25) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan i-iumidity
(01:30:25) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: I-iumidity was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:30:38) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan itz jnr
(01:30:38) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Itz Jnr was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:30:45) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan jack ur bow
(01:30:47) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Jack Ur Bow was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:31:01) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan jar0fbutter
(01:31:01) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Jar0fbutter was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:31:17) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan l e g i t xd (This kjd is 45 def aswell)
(01:31:18) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: L E G I T Xd was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:32:13) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan melee my but
(01:32:14) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Melee My But was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:32:24) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan obey zenith
(01:32:24) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Obey Zenith was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:32:30) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan pinoy clawer
(01:32:31) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Pinoy Clawer was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:32:37) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan pkerowner666
(01:32:38) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Pkerowner666 was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:32:50) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan s0ring 2h
(01:32:50) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: S0ring 2h is in clan: Team VoLTaGe ( URL: )
(01:32:57) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan sm 12 inchh
(01:32:58) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Sm 12 Inchh is in 2 clans. | Clans: Defiance, Zenith | URL: Multi clan pride
(01:33:19) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan u laggin
(01:33:20) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: U Laggin was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:33:49) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan x d claw
(01:33:50) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: X D Claw was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:34:00) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan x e l m 0 z
(01:34:00) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: X E L M 0 Z was not found in the RSHSC.
(01:34:24) <@[CX]Amfgz|Danny> .clan zeeeniiith
(01:34:25) -[iI]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Zeeeniiith was not found in the RSHSC.
And for the p2p trip ur cc was un locked....
OT: Gj Zenith