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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. lmfao #riseofdestiny applications r indeed open join 4 mini ownage vs cpr, not even mad 123
  2. haha quit rs ur like 20 years old You're way too picky when it comes to where you're going...Don't see you liking any place you're going to try to go. You've stirred way too many enemies, and the only clans you listed where you aren't interested in are the only clans that half the people would go if you aren't joining EOP Have fun and good luck Corey.
  3. flash2:primeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  4. k let's just remove my post u know no big deal OT: YES!
  5. liltouqir come be defiant now that u rnt getting chaotic :]
  6. Once? Atleast every other, if not every night.
  7. stfu danny ur such **** it doesnt even matter
  8. To make this short... Outperformed, outclassed..and their TS got ddosed. Nice job corrupt pures, You guys as I said in pm to Drunk REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLY have gotten so much better it's not even funny. Gl in future with p2p.
  9. no, we just got rid of you :whistling: Stfu Tom and Joshy poo it's dan's haha i don't give 2 ***** less or more about GFX D:
  10. Edited - I'll restart this topic off. I think dF has the best community because everyone is tight as **** and literally everyone there is friends. Ranks are all friends with the members, etc. We have atleast 18+ people in TS just about everyday...now thats ownar. Team Genocide community is ownage cause it's basically all my foreign affairs in one team and we all chat **** to eachother and josh and Z are the coolest kids on the net so yeh come at me. O yea also Zach and bryan are in it which makes it auto own. Gogoog
  11. So basically, I just want to know what clan YOU think has the best community. I don't think there's one like this anywhere, but if there is my apologies. Imo, a community means everyone there is family, no one really fights, flames, it's all about the fun. What do you think? and what clan do you think has the BEST community. They can be dead/still alive atm Since I was proved wrong by WAR kids, You can now be biased. GO FOR IT! Tell me why your clan has the #1 community The clan with the best community...my opinion would probably be either Fi/CP. Taken from experience, as I followed CP...all those people there are tight as hell, and they're made up of the same people over and over again which is rather cool. Dead? - Intense Redemption, taken from personal experience I loveeeeeeeeeed it. wbu
  12. Soz bro, I used to play music for dasty why he pked. Dasty + Mitchsaw = </3
  13. **** that ****, I dropped 400m on ovls and turmoil I wanna use it :D GRATS ZENITH 1 YEAR AND STILL STRONG <3 Ty for the prep, good job dF
  14. Great...more ******* addy for TR god damn it
  15. h i would only join defiance cuz we p00n I wouldn't really join a new clan...I'd say that's for kids who are just now getting into Pure clanning.
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