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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. lol you're such a tool mad level? haven't trained it yet
  2. I don't see how you can call us ****, we beat u in ur home server after you talked **** about how we dont f2p :whistling: Honestly? This is why I said to stay in P2P Roman. OBVIOUSLY the clan with +12 on us and INCREDIBLY out addy'd/Mith'd will win. It took you 3 minutes to clear 17 kids at the maze, whilest you had 27. Now Roman, are you PROUD? grats on the win though. anything for u to feel good big boi
  3. c0z 1 c4n7 dd0s b120 btw **** clan lmao go train ur defence levels more
  4. Do you need an ice pack ? you seem Heated. I need a new laughing box, for that was just too hilarious LOL!
  5. wtf Kyle, you a fan of nicepeter too?? He's a legend!
  6. How could you quote such a legend video? Zo was a legend, all who were Ir should know. Ir pride 2k10 Anyways, Josh I watched the video...25+4 not in range :[ No but srs, IR #1
  7. e23le023l0230rk430rl340l0l0l0l0l good fckn joke willturb we all no u go to the gym on fridays ofc
  8. TLP would cream them, CPR isn't the same anymore. Just my opinion. Foe + Tlp vs Eop+MM P2p :]
  9. lol I ran around for like 10 minutes trying to find someone to hit on our first fight -.- Anyways, nice job and welcome back team 40
  10. flame???????? oh no? malice nh brb gonna go tell inu
  11. Josh the kid who ******* tele'd is a op in your IRC channel. I won't mention names cause I seriously cba with RS drama making myself look retarded. Fun trip, fun day Seriously might want to work on your respect level though.
  12. Josh, Josh, Josh... Brainwashed by a bunch of idiots. Truly sad to see you go josh :( What's your slogan now? "They can have the win but we have a bunch of dd's now?" Wat lol that's just gay. gz on your 20k object i hope it does u guys well. I must say, Cockiness will only get you so far! Would have to say, Shawn and Jack bailed you out of a lot of **** last time. With 9/10 people on your ML being cocky, dunno how far that will get you. Meh, just my opinion. 'C ya idiot' l00000000000l u guys crack me up
  13. I admit, you whooped our ass during the first initial launch. Our TS got hit offline by some battlescape kid so it was a bit hard to organize spamming **** in the clan chat. After that, it was a returning fight, you guys were returning in what I would call "Danny's East Drags" gear. Aka Rag like ****. I then saw half of your god damn members just tabbing out? Like what the ****? so after I see that ****, I see kids in your clan coming with just a dds and hunters crossbow and ****. No, that just set my buttons off, So I said ok, let's return the favor and we returned with dds's and **** with freezez. Then I was like alright i'm not going to look like crap, return in good **** so then we did dat then we just started winning. Not to mention during a run in your members just sit there flame baiting the whole time l0l. Does runescape rly mean that much 2 u?
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