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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. You Typed Like Duval In That Body Of Text but yeah I think we should see some full outs soon. I don't see how a full out would drag you down, if anything it should get your momentum going, but it could go either way I guess.
  2. *** on now sad i cant even say c|_|m
  4. shup kid u guys r decent in f2p, come out and enjoy the loot!
  5. I'll fight `em all off Joel, don't you worry! @skillzy o.0 haven't seen a trip topic in awhile but aiite. I'll take it that's simply because no one is/was out :] Np
  6. Who r u lolwuturbryan the *** in my ts atm dd0s time!
  7. Hello Community, So my main concern here is... Friday trips. You know, I don't think it's a big request but I think that people [MPC clans/LPC] Should come out on fridays too. Defiance has the past 2 weeks but last week we actually got action from DB, and -, and Bv a week ago, but we go out today and no one is there? All in all, what i'm saying is that is would be a nice thing for clans to come out on fridays aswell. I wouldn't care if it was f2p/p2p as long as others came out. Maybe we could do it like PCL, F2p this friday then p2p the next friday. Dunno how that would go, I think it would be fun. It's just something to get the pure community back at its peak I guess, but it's also for some fun. I would like to see clans out on Fridays such as: Zenith Chaotic CP DB Negative Elimination Exiled Forces Malice Fatality Trepidation Control, etc. Clans like that, in the 'Middle Pure Clan' "League?" It would be fun. We should honestly organize **** like this. I would like to see matchups such as Defiance vs Divine Brutality, Fatality vs Zenith, Control vs CP, etc. I think it would be a great time, and it would mix up here and there with clans. Leaders think about it, let me know in IRC if you're thinking about going out on Fridays. Just for future reference, Defiance would be probable to pull 25+ every Friday. What about your clan? :] /discuss
  8. Why would you even bother posting such a topic? Do you REALLY think this is going to change? It's not. Too many people do it nowadays, many of them are pures who clan. Quite a few kids have been phished in my clan by the notorious 'Soccermom' of Zenith. I do believe he is no longer there, but he was at the time and nothing was done about it. If only people kept their fishing ingame...ugh. The harpoon does it's damn job tbh. No need to steal peoples' **** on a pixel game. It's out of hand, people these days need to get some fresh air. Their green cashpile irl shouldn't mean as much as it does to them. ffs
  9. Resurgence... beast name.
  10. NeGATIVE@@@@ #1 LPC they rape and have ownage team capes tell him to join!!! http://www.negative-rs.com !! no srs ull have fun -Active Forums -Leader is black with amazingly white teeth -Mafia owns
  11. nice job time 2 work on p2p fought outleveled and outgeared but **** that **** it's all about the fun
  12. Roman..You know man you got it in you. You're a great person. I...love you. <3
  13. Well, it was going to be but then I saw Jay lurking the topic and was like "Na, don't need another 20% soz" Nah but for real, I don't got it in me to sit here and lol at all the idiot clans on PW being mad. All in all this is RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNESCAPE! and none of it should be taken seriously ^^ But must I say one more time "Brb calling TR"
  14. Bro, you didn't do trips for a solid 5 months +. Who the hell are you trying to kid? Come on now. 2 months? You peaked like 30 for the first time in ur life like 3 weeks ago. 5 versions, still going hard. All i'm saying :]
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