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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. LOL??? What clan in their right mind wouldn't kill a ******* full runer sitting right next to their fall in?? Oh God, I think some of DB ranks need to join Foe for a week, Foe kicks ass and would be all over that. :thumbsup:
  2. The only people who were auto accepted to us were the ones who were in Defiance previously which are quite a few people. Anything else you would like to bring up to just prove to me in every aspect we're better than you? All in all, i think you should post a topic on zybez and start recruiting 40+ defence, u bring a kid named HFHFHF to trips with you whom is 77 defence to snipe. Then say he was sniping you and blame it on us when the 2nd fight we had with you he was there again?? LOL. Seriously, you need to just think about going to main clan. Have a nice day.
  3. Mitch

    [TRG] Vs [DF]

    LOL?? Why did you even post this. Seriously. We had a lvl 34 in there man, come on this just makes u look silly l0l great job winning ur clw mini team ravage
  4. Frosty Pures - Frozen Pures - and now Ferocious Pures? yay 4 3 fp's
  5. We might accept 30 defence, but only if it's 95% quested. Rather keep the name of 'Pure' alive somewhat. Dan might be 33 defence unquested, but he's also got another pure in the making. Btw [Db]Mitch just the way you talk on these forums ******* disgusts me, God damn you look like a total tool. Do yourself and the rest a favor and just stop posting.
  6. We ended with like 22 I believe. I was the only one to die along with our council Trace. Fix it if you WANT, I'm not going to pull a DB and cry over a pure warfare topic. Great job on your trip though mates.
  7. lmfao this topic owns i don't even want 2 see no more good games .com on here this is jus loki vs will son but o ye Proud Ex-IR #1 tbh
  8. I'm pretty sure everyone frmo havoc is either from Carnage or hysteria/IR, none have been recruited outside the pure community. DF's member base is actually made up of DF members, lol, DF have a bigger member base than people think British, I don't know who you are, but not being biased cause you have positive comments on here, but you sir are a legend and 100% right. Loki, what the **** has havoc done in the past 2 months you've been open. "Oh hey guys, we're only going to pull 10 today, let's cancel our trip! I'm going to go troll/bait on Defiance's topic cause we're jealous they own Team 38 Cape! Yay 4 my nolife!" Get out you fool.
  9. U guys forgot us? ;) We had a little fight too,cant remember it? :whistling: Losing is not a big deal,you can't win if u haven't lose. I hope u will edit your topic :thumbsup: Sir, I'll let you finish but why would we post our fight vs you if we lost? I don't recall of anyone posting their fight if they've lost. We fought you out optd by ATLEAST 15. We rushed with 19 or 20, you had 34. Not to mention, we literally had about 15 kids who could actually attack any of you, I've never even heard of you guys until yesterday so i honestly didn't know what to expect. No more fighting at sperm hill with you guys, but hey-You won fair and square congratulations.
  10. Forums | ML | dF Home CC Today, yet another success. After being skeptical on how the pull would turn out, we managed to mass up 28 Defiants ready for some tasty loot. We got just as we wanted, once again! To start off, I would like to say Thanks DB + Eo for the fights we had once again. Also EF for some loot after a run in vs Eo. Gee eff. Read on or DIE ^Papa ^Adam More Coming Soon Defiance vs Elimination [Eo]Royal pmed me asking me for a run in while we were still massing. We had about 25 at this time, they had around 23 as scouted so we were like sure we might as well fight them it will be fair. The fight was set up to be at gap, so we walked up through single strip and potted and got our flash3:Defy's ready to go. They were in a 4x4 on top of the hill which was such a relief for me, the fight was pretty easy to be fair. We proved extreme organization here, we were as clumped as a can of sardines, our spamming was good, and same with our piling. It only took a couple of rotations of range to scims and they were gone and cleared. Thanks for the fights Eo, hope to get more in the long run. Defiancestarting: 25 Elimination Starting: 21-23 [?] DefianceEnding: 23 Elimination Ending: 3 Escaped from the fight Thanks for the battle Eo What a fluke, all the sudden we found EF north of sperm hill and we were like YAY 4 LOOT and killed them, we got a fall in and we saw DB rushing from the east with flash3:Jungta0 [Damn africans] and we were like o ok let's batol then and that's what we did. For the most part we were controlling the fight, but yeah once again ty for the fight DB, nice fighting you guys that addy really does my bank a favor :] <333.There was quite a few problemos here though. Negative crashed from the east, and Trepidation crashed from the west. Well, well then lads. Gf Db. Defiance Starting: 24 Divine Brutality Starting: 21-23 Defiance Ending: 18 [Orbed @ sperm hill where we got a regroup and just left cause of crash after crash] Divine Brutality Ending: Maybe 13-14 Fixed cause we cry about runescape! Thanks for the fights DB. Thanks for reading ~ Topic made by [dF]Mitch ~ Topic was made at 5am, leave me alone! Keep it flame free, just showin` some people of PW our fun that we get daily :]
  11. **** that runnin low on cash brb resortin 2 addy [h5]
  12. lol tyler ur so silly if only kyle was here
  13. Nice job chris, nice pull bro how much ea for full addy?
  14. lmfao moron Ot: Kyle rapes and nice job on ur trip 2day boys was fun fitin u guys at hills but umm I don't want to automatically claim a win because of all those clans coming and going in from that fight but i'd say we were winning/won. Duval y so hardkore with ur leakz br0 u proud of having a leak in a lpc??
  15. Oh hey bro, you're a genius! Expected a lot of shet from people, am surprised. Thanks guys ^^ Anyways, added the other video vs Bv.
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