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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. Forums | ML | dF Home CC This Friday evening of February 18th, we massed up 25 Defiants. We went out expecting nothing more then to have fun, and that\'s exactly what we had today. I want to thank Bv, if you use these forums thanks for the fight, and most importantly DIvine Brutality for the fights we had today. Respect. We really still at this time don\'t know where we got 25 from, but hey we\'ll take it! Great job Defiance, keep it up. Read on: More Coming Soon We had been asked by [-]Mafia for us to help them take on a masser clan called Bv, we were like hell yeah son free loot! So we told them we would. With far little problems they hopped to our homeworld, came to the ending of our mass and we headed out. We walked up through single strip up to Maze where the fight would take place. We were originally supposed to attack, but for some odd reason Bv wasn\'t there. Maf Pm\'d there leaders and they said they weren\'t ready yet, so we just said that we\'ll defend. 2-3 Minutes after Bv had rushed in with their Red: [V] is Strong spams and we weren\'t intimidated at all, We immediately pushed on top of them with our Flash3:Defyy\'s and were in control of the fight for the major of the time. We had a solid ending, aswell as did Negative. Nice job lads. Defiance/- starting: 34 Bv Starting: 45+ Defiance/- Ending: 29 [19 Defiant, 10 -] Bv Ending: 10 Escaped from Maze. [/center] We were looking around for a clan to fight, and I had realized that DB was out. A few ranks asked theirs for a fight, and after awhile they decided to fight. The deal was that Defiance defend and that we battle at Sperm Hill. We sent a scout up there to secure the supremesis and we DD\'d and waited for them to rush. This was a really close fight although we out-opt\'d them by 4. Their levels are decent, not to mention they have a CRAPPPPP load of mains. [No flame bait] :]. The amount of addy made here was at a sky rocket. I do believe our banks are filled with lifetime supply of adamant to go have fun with. Thanks for the fights DB, really appreciated. Defiance Starting: 22 Divine Brutality Starting: 18 Defiance Ending: 17 Divine Brutality Ending: 0 left on the battle field. Thanks for the fights DB. Thanks for reading ~ Topic made by [dF]Mitch ~
  2. I saw 21 ops and I was like o.o nice pull then I looked at your ml and it was 19 and i was like :O then I was like ooooo Lol great job guys, I've already commented on your GFX and site, but i'll do it again, it looks great. Keep doing good guys :] ` Mitch
  3. u tryin 2 rat him m8? Nice mm nh bro loljk but yh I mean personally I don't find this interesting at all. Maybe if it recorded TS or something it would make it more interesting, obviously that will more then likely give away tactics but I would find it more interesting. Also this guys voice is boring as hell, we need mog time to do it **** this. Brb callin mog
  4. Simply add everyone in the CC, Public to friends. Yippie
  5. Looked fun as hell guys, EoP is looking fun and ownage as hell atm. Great job liked the vid too.
  6. Mitch


    lol what you laughing at? haha, I luld too. Nice find Brad If he gets leader that's a bit ****** up. Don't make that mistake Lawson/Ryan
  7. lol attention seeking p0ke n die don't hack me plz i was only jking to look cool on pur3 w4rf4r3 Who the hell cares, pretty soon we'll all be walking around in rune anyways. No big deal.
  8. Mitch

    Bryan Looking

    You seem to be stuck in the smaller clan region, so I'd say go join #Negative. Mafia is a legend, and there is quite some more legends there too. Good luck.
  9. If only I could enter a facepalm.png
  10. Mitch


    Shut up you fool, who are you to know? You're dastabah the big phat noob. with love. OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF NAO hes team HE WASNT IN CC? Trade 4 teamkepe! Ok enough trololing, Good luck Joshua.
  11. Mitch


    Shut up you fool, who are you to know? You're dastabah the big phat noob. with love.
  12. Mitch

    yo wats up

    how big is ur weiner? ``Karl was here
  13. Mitch


    haha z turning on the person who put them where there at Seems to be you're trying very hard to recruit a down syndrome. I guess in a way you should, just another downer in #clan-db will make you better! Tbh, Josh didn't put Zenith anywhere. I'll be the first one to say that, after laughing my ass off during a prep that i attended on a spy [yes im nh] I could tell you that off the bat. Ryan would call something and all of the sudden you'll hear josh rage saying WHAT THE **** R U DOING IDIOT when in reality it was the right thing to do. Josh was the Duval of Zenith although Duval actually tried to change his ways and he started to at the end and i've noticed he has. Respect to Duval, sorry for bringing his name into this but yh just saying. If anyone put zenith where it was, leadership wise? Definitely Lawson and Ryan on a respectable standpoint. They both know not to flame other clans cause of this being a game, however Josh you didn't. To be fair, I hate to say it but Logan and Kj put more work into Zenith then you ever did, ever since summer you were the one to make Zenith look **** complete ****. God i'm so happy for Zenith right now, best of luck guys. tl;dr josh ur a moron bro in all honesty just don't even join another clan. if you do like i said above Divine brutality is for you! -Mitch EDIT: Here I did some research for you and found you a clan you'd fit in with: http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/foru...88,413,62161087
  14. o.o I didn't even know striketeam existed? Is it a masser team or a clan? :O?
  15. lol@inu thinking hes good at pking or something dumb azn kid gz trev and joel i <3 u
  16. lol interesting wouldn't expect z to beat tp in p2p specially clw ^-^
  17. coo coo, i like ur lil topic splitter thing viva did a good job on tht
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