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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. I deleted it cause i'm too influenced by TG **** like adam, etc. Not to mention I told them i'd stay clanless a week and try to get back into the habit of being honor, which is what I did.
  2. Sup PW community. Many of you know me, but for those who don't: Hellos, I'm mitch, I'm 15 years old and currently just reside in #team-genocide, and that's where i'll always be. Moving on... Yes i'm looking for a clan. 150% Experienced, enjoy beast communities, as I like to have fun with messing around etc. Past clans include: 1. Defiance [Opened as a masser clan in 2008] ~ Most fun **** ever lmfao:D 2. Rise Of Destiny - must I facepalm for you. 3. Final Ownage Elite - Was a shitload of fun 4. Re-Opened Defiance with Dylan [His Truely] was fun. Was no longer a masser clan, took it serious and had a shitload of fun. I closed it quite a few times unfortunately giving myself and the clan a bad name. I regret it 100%. 5. I joined Intense Redemption. - Must I say this was the most fun i had with pure clanning so far. I loved just about everything there, Junior is my bf on scape and will be for a long time, met a bunch of people there. <33333333 6. Opened Hysteria with Inu, Evan, Jr, Etc... It was probably one of the best runs a clan could've had in such a short period for obvious reasons. I am a little bit upset even to this day that we closed it. Things happen 7. Where ever I decide to apply :] My accounts I use 100%: ^^ Baby pure :D ^^ Main pure :D Clans I don't want to join: 1. MM - I've never really liked it, I don't got anything against you, I just don't like pink first off <3 second off am not a fan of the community :[ 2. Fi - I have to say there is no community at Fi, plus their ranks are not the brightest, Especially that Elit3|Bser kid, been a retar'd ever since he opened that resurrection clan. Only reason I would join is because of the cape you use which is a helpless reason ;] 3. Zenith - Nothing against the community, Josh is just...rather Josh. Not to mention, MPC is dead. -------- I would like to join: 1. Foe - I would like to join simply cause it's where I was before and I feel comfortable there, not to mention their ranks are the shizznit and I love kyle + walli. Not to mention, I basically started there. 2. TLP - Literally 15/16 of my e buddies r in TLP, but I just don't know if I like the community. 3. EoP - Milky owns Sorry if I sound like a cocky ignorant fool by posting the clans I want to join/not want to join. forgive me if you took it that way, didn't intend to sound like a fool. :\ Thanks guys :] O ye if you want to talk to me on irc my nick is either [TG]Mitch or \Mitch
  3. Yeah, I was looking to apply to Genocide but the apps are closed. We have a prep this saturday, you can still apply but you won't be added to ML or allowed to come it. Following the prep, you will be allowed to come.
  4. Don't really meet the reqs for any good pure team unfortunately. You'll 9/10 times be sat in mini's because of your prayer. :\ dunno man. Train up and #team-genocide
  5. Now you, negative and DF are stuck with the hardest capes to get :P Only real pures can endure the search for Edmond. Thanks for trying, DB ;P Did it for a whole year, plan to keep doing it.
  6. Mitch

    halp pls

    numbre 1 klen at its finest
  7. Mitch

    am confused

    danny stays with me soz
  8. Mitch

    halp pls

    closed he apped 4 defiance
  9. Mitch

    halp pls

    come back 2 defiance m8
  10. wouldn't say it was a attempt, every time i saw my baby zulu on pk trip he was nakie just the way i like it.
  11. ****** retard zachary f2p 2 p2p cuz i wanna be different >:[]
  12. damn i hope u guys start to pk on fridays now that would be bad ass :D Gz on the win guys.
  13. Some guy with a drunk rune 2h or candy p3nis :D Hysterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrria<:
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