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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. Out organized, had kids running around the map like a chinese fire drill. Jesus christ we should've won both fights but thanks anyways skillzy for the chances. Seems to be we're pretty evenly matched in f2p, we'll get a few nice preps probably. Gf.
  2. d-d-d-d-d-d-d-down syndrome d-d-d-d-d-d-d-down syndywyndy
  3. Boy you are so dumb, you are very very dumb, foe real You sir are a idit. cutie
  4. Boy you are so dumb, you are very very dumb, foe real
  5. Lmfao, too bad Duval ruined such a good clan. My summer of RS was so much fun because of Chaotic, although we had flame battles left and right it was so much fun. I would like to add in- you guys were so much better then us in almost every aspect. I don't like Corey and I never will, but what he did was a **** move to just leave ch to dry considering there is like 2 med clans left to compete with. I respect the decision but I don't think it was the right idea. As to furious, hugh, touqir, etc who all lead ch till the end, great job guys you were really doing good. I wouldn't say blame duval but everyone on these forums know that Duval was basically the backbone to the clan and it's unfortunate cause you guys could've gotten so much farther without him in the beginning simply because he did nothing but flame and had his cocky level @ 99. No disrespect Corey, you know you did and you tried to change it and I thought you were actually going to change and I started liking Ch a lot more towards the end. Unfortunate. RIP Chaotic - One of the best MPC's the pure community has had over time.
  6. fok u joel cocklick #meandmitchssexchat
  7. Mitch


    such a pro spammer on pw w[][]p w[][]p
  8. Definitely cause you'll have all those new little retarded little kids who have mains now that will make a pure as soon as they realize that we r8p. [As we all went through]
  9. Well i'd say Hy but we're just as p2p based as CPR was although we get f2p preps during the week I wouldn't say we were the best at it, with that being said go try CP. They're 95% F2P based and I think you'll enjoy them the most. However- If you want to go beyond what you said in the topic, Hysteria is for you.
  10. p2p prep us again??? D:
  11. Edit: I want to give* a sincere thanks to EOP for being as respectful as possible. Every post from them has been nothing but good jobs, I appreciate it. Everytime we prep you guys no matter if it's us getting steamrolled in f2p it's so much fun and always a respectable fight. To the hy members, great job and don't give into TRolls that post on here. That is all.
  12. lmfao his name is dragonrida84 what a *****
  13. Mitch


    one two... WHOOP WHOOP@
  14. Hello Lucas, well since you were gone a lot of stuff has taken place. I won't get into it...simply cause i'm too lazy and too cold to type it all up. SOZ So... what you should do and what you should join go to http://www.Hysteria-Rs.com make an intro and join :D@@@ Mostly a p2p clan, however we've got inu and myself some of which we both <3 the f2p server and want to go fourth in being a excellent med clan that is balanced in both. However, if it's not #Hysteria then i'd say you'd enjoy #Zenith because they've got many Ex-E member including their co-leader Hormone, Good luck man, I hope you choose wisely make sure you scope the community out wisely :Dd
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