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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. Damn I don't know. I think TLP is becoming such a great f2p clan because of their combat levels, and defence levels. That is only a factor of it, I'm honestly going to go with EoP on this one because of their great f2p leaders. Also their knowledge of the server, that will take toll. Ex vs Hy 10 def cap F2p full out 1 week prep ;3
  2. LOL? HAHAAH Duval we were whooping your ass at giants, when zenith crashed we had 24 there, I would love 2 post the pic when I get the chance. Notice when you run out of giants you have like some odd 5-6 members there while we have 23 Hysterical ******* members sitting at gap sniping off zenith. You guys got completely just demolished by Zenith when they crashed. You would be a great leader if you were fighting America man, Great propaganda every ******* time. never the less gz on ur other wins.
  3. ******* pathetic Holy **** do i love playing runescape.org with u guys
  4. Mitch

    Hysteria Minis x2

    i hope our topic can be like theirs someday. soz that ur clan sucks and hasn't done jack all in the past 8 months inb4 u make df jokes we havent been open 8 months????????????? EXPLAIN p.s df died OLOLLOLOLOLO No. I don't know what HY has done so far that teams haven't lol We've actually accomplished more then Tribulation has in 6 months. Not to mention we pull high 30s to our first week worth of trips. Anything else you want me to tell you?
  5. Why you posting? You wont ever say something positive ever.. was talking 2 Emre cause he's a idiot. I already congratulated u.
  6. Zulu i am Emresaw Rami your dirty **** ass got no right to post on this thread kbai No...just no.
  7. Mitch

    Hysteria Minis x2

    i hope our topic can be like theirs someday. soz that ur clan sucks and hasn't done jack all in the past 8 months inb4 u make df jokes
  8. Outoptd everyone and holy **** you guys have a lot of lvl 70s in mith. Easy epidemic@ Nice job Milords We started taking that **** early too, I was depressed that we couldn't keep it. F0k
  9. Mitch


    shut up mexican asian
  10. Mitch


    u good reply! i'm impressed how you managed to keep it to a letter!!! stfu A cup
  11. Pretty sure you have alot to worry about on the topic of HY inevitably closing. Pretty sure you have a lot to be worriedabout if you think Hy will close
  12. But on a serious note... Don't think I would have to worry about it. But if it did? Well my ass is headed back to Final Ownage.
  13. ******* 4nr i guess ill brid dm u and d0s u and get free brid set trick fok ye
  14. Edit: I would reopen it 3 more times then give up then make/join Hysteria and own noobs all the time in p2p minis duh
  15. Lmfao. I don't like Chaotic, never have, never will. My point here: Chaotic is better than you, always has been. I don't care if Ch is a bunch of idiots, they can be what they want. But...they're better than you. You're yet again- picking fights you won't win. GL!
  16. Mitch


    hell na gotta outbump z fuk all dat
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