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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. r u gay or somethin stephen? u always rabble on about porn on sites as long as big black cocks arent wobblin around **** man im fine and i will just say why i joined my other clans cause i didn't necessarily join df 1. I joined Ir because it had a pro community, junior is my boo its so troo. 2. i joined Foe because of true whip pk vid 6 i havent been in any other clans soz
  2. (21:06:52) <[Z]Lawson> Mitch drop us a comment on our pw topic hi i am mitch i was told 2 comment on it so here it is zenith owns u :D lawsina i lov u
  3. no you weren't u were the worst mini'er there was nice def and bank idiot #team-genocide only hires pros
  4. why did u post a topic about one fite goodsirs
  5. did any1 else notice that foe and mm, nor eop have a topic, now this is the spur of the moment! equals 3
  6. dont join cp taze is in it, he's a ****** bag trust me #clan_carnage for u bro :]
  7. pugwest ur the best p2p leader there is dude simmer down u shood not be acting in this manner! owutuwutuuuuwuwwuwwuwuw Finish it torag! Now you got a big bruise!
  8. nice job d00ds! looked like s00p3r fun
  9. stfu rami ull be in eop in 2 hours then ull go back and edit ur post
  10. EARTHQUAKE@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  11. ******* immature cunts honestly so sick of 10 year old kids in this pure community anymore. It's not even the pure community wtf am I saying, i'm sure mains go around phishing eachother too. And the same thing happened to me, as it happend to Drunk. It's obviously other pure clans doing it to eachother, not some random ass little kid. They hack the account, and pm the leader. Happened to two of my members, very unfortuant. Pretty sure it was that blue stanger ****** too.
  12. In 2003 I created my first pure. I remember walking into the wildy, sweaty as ****, I had ballsweat running down my leg, my palms were so sweaty my mouse was slipping from underneath me, I was in a adrenaline rush! omfg panic irl my name was hell you8, I went hard as hell all day :3 I never really joined a clan tbh, I remember pking with Ace from foe before though. Close as I got wit clanning. I quit rs like 6 times during this L. I remember coming back and creating my other pure u g0t pk3d4, most original name now there's like 15 kids with it. It was ownage times. First clan - Defiance a year and a half ago, was a massers clan back then but it was so fun <3
  13. beginning 2 like this clan more and more na nvm **** you guys i lie :] nice job again, I think Codie needs da banhammer off PW; he seems to be 100% bred from Chaotic, posting random stupid **** to create problems. Silly spastics fricken idiot. <3 u josh n lawsina
  14. woulda been nice if u didn't act more retarded then `aj while trying to set up a run in jesus christ nice pull though..hopefully u guys will challenge the higher clans more often. You're starting to outpull half of them.
  15. stfu bro it's out secret **** it brb www.meatspin.org
  16. Welcome to The Boss Mike's ownage store. How may I help you? Do you like your spies shaken or stirred? Shaken irl
  17. Well when your ranks do nothing but run their mouth, bait, flame nonstop, sht happends. Especially if it's to Zenith lol. I learned out the hard way aswell. Gotta love p0ke <3 That's why I respect every clan nowdays. anyways gf.
  18. u only beat genocide cause i wasn't there kyle! and l0l @ Harysaw Pk in the downfall mini
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