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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. Are you accusing us of dd0sing your vent in a rune dagger war? oGod facepalm l0l Sir, we played fair, did everything right. Did we use overheads? No. Did we use a aramadyl Godsword? No. We went by rules.
  2. I think we're gonna go red:3 big green monsters r scary
  3. +1, I strongly believe these wars are more intense then regular fights :] Keeps the community active aswell.
  4. http://www.rs-defiance.com | #clan-dF | 'dF home cc' Defiance -vs- Exiled Force [Rune Dagger War] Today we massed up 22 Defiant ones. A little upset by the pull, our main goal was to go out and beat Exiled Force and improve our organization greatly. Our spamming was better then great, but could use some work. We got this war simply for the fun and to work on the organization since we're just coming back into the pure world. It was a fun fight, thanks Exiled Force. Ashame it couldn't be flame-free. Both clans passed a few words with eachother ^-^. Videos: ^Adam [Flawless YO] ^iThankz [His first time, plus didn't put music so I would watch Adam's if I were you :P - Although he flames a **** load -.-] Round 1: In this round it was pretty even up until we started to get incredibly spread out and I called to move from trees to center. There we had beautiful spamming and piling, we just took over the fight from there. This was an intense round :D. Defiance Starting: 21 Exiled Force Starting: 24 Defiance Ending: 13 Exiled Force Ending: 0 Round 2: Couldn't tell you why, but they decided to attack us before we could even get set up to attack. I was first pile once again, so I left it up to my other callers to take over. We got against lava and were taking over the fight very fast again. Great spamming was a big impact in this fight. We took it fast. Gf Ef. Defiance Starting: 22 Exiled Force Starting: 24 Defiance Ending: 16 Exiled Force Ending: 0 They just logged out round 3, No respect there I guess >.<. W/e all in all, it was fun and it helped us a lot, thanks EF. Pictures: [MORE WILL BE ADDED TOMORROW DW] -More will be added tomorrow- [Not many people took pictures, I guess due to the fact it was a fun prep not a -.-mode one :P.
  5. umm this time around you would beat us, v2 we would win. Exclusive vs Defiance F2p Full out ML only oooooooooooooooooooooooo (minus the 40 kids they randomly added for their full out lol)
  6. God Codie u make u and ur clan look so ******* dumb The february madness: [TLP vs Foe p2p full out] [Keep in mind TLP been pulling high] *wink*
  7. Zenith Starting: 40 Zenith Ending: 35 Defiance Starting: 30? Defiance Ending: 0 l0l?? Josh or Z leadership fix this, we had 17.
  8. LOLQQ@####################@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ O God ahah
  9. i ******* own btw i only lost 6 sets 2 u guys ffs
  10. Fi if dung was off, otherwise I think MM would pull that off. That seems to be a good fight. Defiance vs Zenith 30v30 P2P CLW Prep
  11. Nice job. First prep back 2bh take ur momentum 2 tomorrows trip lads AM PROUD OF YOU
  12. lol r u guys going 2 start p2ping soon or wut >.< looked pretty fun tho tbh
  13. Looking so fly like a g6 Carnage. Ownage pull, ownage fights. Great job.
  14. DF massers haha i got a good lul but yeah that was a fluke running into you rolf.
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