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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. lol err thats incredibly easy, simply ch cause they're all lvl 90s and Z is all level 50s ch would pull more aswell. eop vs ir p2p 30v30
  2. God why do i always have 2 pick the hard ones...ffs taken from being ex-foe...I'm going to go willingly here with foe, simply because I think they have the better leaders i mean **** come on they got the boss of all boss's Mike, and Jewpack, and big boned walli ffs. But no, in reality...If it was a 50v50+ I really think Foe would conceal it, I dont think TLP works well with anything above 60+'s or such, I haven't ever really been a fan of TLP, so I don't follow them much but there's no doubt in my mind tlp would pull through with a win if it was 40v40 and so forth. CP vs Fi 40v40 matched wildy 2 day prep :O
  3. Very nice trip E, Nice to see your pull aswell. Keep it up :3
  4. Nice Job Jonty and all rest of E.
  5. Let's see you beat CPR so I can be in your anime boots saying 'expected'
  6. Damn I would like to see that, I would say CP cause Drunk is #1 err Cy vs Z f2p matched prep
  7. well then..well well. I hereby declare MM vs Foe p2p full out
  8. Eop IL vs Ch P2p 1 hr prep +3/-3
  9. proven fact lvl 65's with 1 def can't beat pugsterz cause hes a n00b
  10. everytime we do p2p it makes me hate p2p all the more
  11. Defiance... foe would win clan wars eop would probably win in the wildy. IL vs dF f2p 50v50
  12. Most likely would call it quits, but if Epidemic or Malice re-opened in the times being, I would join them.
  13. gl finding a clan bro.. if you want to join a small community thats active in both servers join dF. good luck 1nce again
  14. Seems to be Ch is handeling IR in p2p...Going to have to go with MM but I would personally like to see chaotic take on the muffins in p2p aswell. Ch vs MM p2p +5/-5 [Would most likely be in MM's Favor]
  15. get an 82, and a 75 and join Defiance bro :D Try 82 strength and 75 range, both aren't hard at all :3 Good luck bro :P
  16. ya zac, i see why i wanna punch u in the ****** dome shup retard
  17. Back2Foe most likely if not...Probably A f2p based clan cause im poor ingame so f p2p :3
  18. **** redeem jack ass killed me OT: Nice trip yo.
  19. Not as an excuse, but as truth. If level 80s in mithril can't win in a clan wars fight, you simply suck. On the otherhand, you won. We were incredibly out-leveled and everyone knows it. Notice, Thank you for the fight, this won't be the only one, i'll tell you now. Good job on the pulls, on the win, but if you want to continue our flame battle, so be it. We aren't here to flame, we are here to have fun. That's what we do, you simply take this game so serious. Nice sig btw, I laf'd but you clearly aren't the best lol. Don't get ahead of yourself. the levels aren't a excuse, but a major impact. Good fight.
  20. If not dF, CPR or Re-join Foe Most likely CPR everyone there is my boy.
  21. Got hit by vh, and we actually GAVE Foe a decent fight, you just got completely slaughtered. We spread to get our free loots, just things didn't go down well.
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