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Everything posted by DannyB

  1. coming from the guy in msb and a dds no climbers returns poor clan getting poorer, ty for 580 kills of loot that we banked by leaving the fight cya next week gl rebuilding
  2. u 4got the part about 580 kills full of excuses h3r3 w3 g0 clearing a clan with a 2.2+ ratio, almost believeable :[
  3. you never had control it started off and ended with you guys getting raped around gdz until enough mains came that it was just a clusterfuck inside the hut then you guys started returning in either 1 item barrage and dds or just 26k n range so we decided to leave you really think you did better then 580 kills with a 2+ ratio? Said I wasn't gonna flame, but **** it. Apparently you didn't read the second part of my post, it clearly states that both sides had raggers at the end, or maybe you can't read. I don't really think FOE expects their members to have the ability to read, all you need is 30+ def and turmoil. You wanna talk mains? 80% of your ******* clanmates were higher combat than the "mains" who apparently bugged you so much. It's pathetic that you even consider yourself a pure clan still. Your clan is a disgrace and a mere ********* on our underwear. If you want to continue this dispute, you can PM me where I will continue to ravage any worthless argument your spastic mind can manage to pull together. And how does it feel to have a 2.2 k/d and still lose? Probably like ****, which is what you are. /dropmic no1 in foe was above the lvl 120 mains you brought you got pounded for an hour and then got to watch the other clan walk away from a bunch of raggers and mains it felt good not wasting time trying to outlast 20 mm in **** gear, hope you guys feel so charitable next week josh you would have figured all these foe 1 itemers and **** would have done something other then given us a 2.2 kdr dont you think cya next week, have fun being in single/lobby again all trip again l0l
  4. you never had control it started off and ended with you guys getting raped around gdz until enough mains came that it was just a clusterfuck inside the hut then you guys started returning in either 1 item barrage and dds or just 26k n range so we decided to leave you really think you did better then 580 kills with a 2+ ratio?
  5. we got raped so hard we got 500+ kills with a 2+ k/d ratio have fun with your cleared pics/vid of you getting raped for an hour, cya next week yeah cause we got cleared even though we were the last clan standing at gdz. was amusing watching your members tele up from gdz with 1 item barrage only to get 1 banged LOL. desperate foe is desperate 20+ kills and 4 deaths thanks for the loot :teehee: except the fact that our members got 500+ kills and a 2+ k/d ratio nice to know that you got more than 1/10 of your clan's kills, might wanna tell the other 50+ to step up their game l0l have fun being the last clan surrounded by mains at gdz, cya next week and wheres mm's KD? oh ye too embarrased show it cause its higher then yours. FOE LOSE FIGHT FOE RAGE FOE MAKE FAKE WIN TOPIC FOE STILL RAGE NOONE BELIEVE :( cya next weekend show it for me :P turn off caps lock also please :[
  6. we got raped so hard we got 500+ kills with a 2+ k/d ratio have fun with your cleared pics/vid of you getting raped for an hour, cya next week yeah cause we got cleared even though we were the last clan standing at gdz. was amusing watching your members tele up from gdz with 1 item barrage only to get 1 banged LOL. desperate foe is desperate 20+ kills and 4 deaths thanks for the loot :teehee: except the fact that our members got 500+ kills and a 2+ k/d ratio nice to know that you got more than 1/10 of your clan's kills, might wanna tell the other 50+ to step up their game l0l have fun being the last clan surrounded by mains at gdz, cya next week
  7. we got raped so hard we got 500+ kills with a 2+ k/d ratio have fun with your cleared pics/vid of you getting raped for an hour, cya next week
  8. everyone of EOP or Foes thread I look for my kill message and thats the first time ive ever seen it. shout out to me. might wanna hop off your main then m8
  9. hard to hit big clans when they are in f2p
  10. yea getting raped all day l0l 20 mm members in rag gear spamming cleared in a hut filled with mains all day try to make sure the pure competition doesn't walk away from you in a fall in next time l0l
  11. P2P Today 1.Foe 500+ kills with a 2+ ratio :o 2.Eop/Mm would have been interestin 3.Tlp bad pull i guess :3 4.Npo getting better
  12. v0p n Pure ownage pkers rsn was pk1n p00n3r or ownage hax
  13. j/w what drugs do u take before you post on these forums? hopefully clans can stop fretting about their ranks that dont change for months and just have fun events
  14. but instead rely on mains for help on weekend trips!
  15. dont hide in single then mm's sunday single p2p trip goes bad yet again :confused:
  16. you can't even respond to this one, hes gone. there is no fi mm alliance. Its just mm killing eop when there is fi on the field. if mm runs into fi, they will destroy them. Which has already happened. so much for no mm+fi alliance 2bad you both got raped LOL
  17. nice trip/pull gl tomorrow, gonna need it
  18. hopefully mm do better then being a highlight reel for chad's dbow this time round gl expecting easy 2-0 win for foe
  19. Like 6 people who were slow with abortus i got your kill msg, and it was more like 20 all of foe(new rule says i cant post opts!) and @falconhead last time mm made a topic foe flamed the **** out of it so maybe if foe can control themselves they can see their downfall. lol 2x more deaths towards mm members losing 40 rune arrows. who cares honestly. not to mention turmoilers dont run out of food cause of something called ss. kdr means nothing. 1 time i returned in nothing cuz i got a juicy kill right before i died. 5 foe memebrs atked me saying kill this kid! (i had nothing wtf) kind of defeats the purpose of using kdr for statistics :o was 5 and chad = 6 kinda obv considering they were all in clan chat so you can see who logged in gl rebuilding bro
  20. We're just here to correct your opts, we wouldn't want your topic to get locked. You beat us in both fights, there is no reason to lie about opts. At the moment the only opt proof I'm going on is your TS numbers, which are accurate. Give me ingame pictures stating that 20+ of people on your TS weren't ingame, and I'll gladly change it. i died a lil while after we brought the fight into ruins as you can see its under 60 not 74 ty for changing m8
  21. sam showing off the power fist what a champ
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