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Everything posted by Pugwest

  1. Welcome back Duval, can i call u duv
  2. (20:30:05) -Vectra[12]- ** (CLANINFO): [MM] Mayhem Makers (http://mm-rs.org) | Total members: 160 | [Avg] Cmb: (F2P: 81.24 | P2P: 85.38) Cons: 89.82 Magic: 95.62 Range: 94.21 Skill total: 1,371 | F2P or P2P: F2P & P2P based (Homeworld 103) | Cape: Wilderness6 | RuneHead link: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=mayhemmakers I think every clan pulls half their ml every week,
  3. control could be #1, but i havn't seen a wilderness fullout in like 3053053 months, Full out control for #1, im guessing the other top med clan would be Cp. Cp V Contrl full out plox.
  4. believe this is enough proof, to prove mm was never #1 yea i said never, without hf always being their i bet that clan BV can beat u guys. GJ E O P erupting to #1, Btw i got another question towards, hf. when a hf rank see's my post Why is it ever since like last August hf started doing p2p on sundays and f2p on Sat's? pretty sure when hf pulled 60-70 and when i was in Hf we did p2p sat and f2p sun, and fought main clans? Hf became so bad to come kill pures every day?, go back to killing main clans, or have u finally become useless,
  5. Some 1 should be seriously ashamed.. to think legends can even go bad, i am a sad pug now.
  6. Addy+addy = 60 def, u have made a new clan, the DRAGON PURES
  7. This is the only person in Cp i will ever respect, and i used to hate him in 2007, Kide love from the pug, <333 Re-open Dv make cp slump n close. o sht. i didin't say tht, here comes the trollsss and flamesss @@@@@@ Inb4 omni
  8. thought War wears ur colors, am confused.
  9. heres and icecube, it mite cool u down,
  10. can this be pinned, its so useful since i never knew any lpc clans, nor their irc's, this helps alot.
  11. U frusterated bro? seems like opening a pickle jar was difficult.
  12. no pictures?!@?!@?!? but how can i entertain the kid in me? without pics!?!?, brb guna get a job.
  13. so this is what poke does when he dosn't lead.... interesting,
  14. Well um, all i have to say is, can eop get a count of how many auto typers they have, :D just to see lols, this is a pointless question. Gj EoP Gud Try Effer Eyes pur3z
  15. You guys had like 15 the last round lol, want us to sit 30 people!??!? Anyways gf CP, was expecting more from you guys tbh. everyone expected more from IR but things don't always work out the way we want them to Bro all u do is flame closed clans, that ended up doing better then u guys in some way, This ain't towards cp its more towards le3t, kids a true retard, "I been Cp since 2005" Well then u have been a idiot for 5 years im guessing? learn when to show respect.
  16. No troll question, was it hard to kill the DF side during that cluster, u and df both have same team capes lol
  17. 4 people are hard to force to apply :( In f2p its so easy to open ur cc and just get 20-40 people, but organization is needed :)
  18. Site | ML Kg is a new Lpc F2p clan that has just started clanning for real, tonight is our 1st night out for fun. With us only Pulling 4/7 ML we still managed to get loads of loot, and have loads of fun. Here are some pictures of what we did tonight, *Note* We do pk inside masser cc's for now, just to bs them, and have protection [ URL=http://swiftkit.net] [/url] #Kingdom 45+ Cb, 65+ Single Stat, 50+ Hp
  19. iron legion reppin those 3 man pk trip pulls right pug? twas repping that 30 pull http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBZXsPCqqGQ
  20. YAY EOP #3 P2P!!!!! i like eop, but i like being a eop
  21. am still confused, and my troll level increases as each cp p2p topic is made, Cp is doing p2p?
  22. meh i like being tlp, but i love being tlp, wat,
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