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Everything posted by Pugwest

  1. heard mm told hf not to help them, maybe u guys are growing into a real clan, respect. ty for fights
  2. Strike team steam rolled my baby pure, in like w 57 >.> we were bsing Dmk-Pures cc, You guys stomped on me @ dwarfs l0l
  3. I think credit goes to Bv for allowing fi to pull over 40, Bv #1 random masser clan,
  4. Since i dun care about this topic anymore since i prooved it false, i shall just say this sir, Against all odds, even against all facts. i shall never forget, the power of, Green+Pink, Twas confused yew? or shall i further taunt thy enemy
  5. Obvious #1 today is obvious Gj eop
  6. Lmfao love mm, because i love eop more, its time to ruin the topic with TRUTH FACTSSS I present to you, A level 50 and the secrates only a low level can find out, To Start off it was MM vs Eop chaos alter, eop was winning, fi rushed spamming off pink capes, then eop ran away, after this hf was already their waiting to "help" mm as u see hf here Eop claim 66 ending opts after chaos alter fight, i wouldn't know, but mm ended with 40-50 @ Edge, ty for free rune scims, looting is fun.
  7. Today's Reality, 1. Eop, 2. Mm 3.Tlp 4.Cp 5.Control 6.Fi+bv 7.Foe Eop gets #1 cuz, they fought mm @ chaos alter ish area, then fi crashed and helped mm, + Hf helped mm, eop stayed and fought, mm ended with around 40, I believe without a troll of anger, eop deserves #1 over mm today, Thats imo tho.
  8. I could not comprehend a single thing you tried to say. Fact still remains we beat you 3-2, last round auto-win. 2 day team just beat a 2 year clan. Pre-flame already, your clan is going to need alot of help, guess we can't just say, mini warr'ed Sko and won 3-2, or accept a loss 2-3. Clans who take mini wars so seriously, makes me loloololl
  9. So since foe tele in clan wars, and its technically a re-placement for wildy, do they get booted for nh? am curious no troll,
  10. Do you think clans were more skilled before they let team capes in f2p? like i mean it took more skill then mass left clickers to kill people in wildy, every 1 had to right click and do some serious spamage, now its like o hey team capes, left click, right click 1st person, dw won't bs my team. back then u had to be like more organized imo Discuss :D I do admit, they are better for anti bs,
  11. Please don't flame, your clans closed. Didin't need to mass for 3 weeks, to go from pulling 85+ to 40, thats minus 45 drunk, just incase u needed help. ON TOPIC GEWD JOB CEE PEE, respect to toxine for careing o so much about me
  12. cp and word p2p are still in the same sentence? alright who did this
  13. i joined, iron legion in 2007, lead by Cvra, and mage b0ys, was invited by my friend pure lacky, who i pked with since i was like 40 cb - 70 cb, after that i joined impact pures, then wildy died,
  14. best staker is 75 att, 70 str 70 def, 1 pray 1 sum, 75 magic, sol prod and i believe thats like 70-80 cb, dun forget ull be 70+ hp
  15. F2p 1.Eop 2.mm/Tlp 3.tlp/mm 4.foe the above pull 60+ Sorry cp but its like 50-65 ish u guys do random, 5.cp 6.fi 7.zenith 8.control these pull 40+ rest are new clans that pull under 30. p2p 1.Tlp 2.Foe 3.Eop/Mm 4.Mm/eop 5.Fi 6.Z 7.Trib 8.Control 9.War 10. Most likely TP
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