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Everything posted by Pugwest

  1. this topic is Hysterious, get it lol GJ hy, soz im bored :)
  2. Clans who become more clan wars prods, tend to do terrible in wildy, which is why wildy prods don't care to lose in clan wars. Gj Tr,
  3. p2p this sunday 1.Tlp 2.mm 3.foe 4.eop/FI 5. 6.Zenith
  4. if your 1 def ur good, if your 2 def u messed up but ur good, if your 5 def your our tank if your 10 def your our pure main, if your 20 def you shoulda got shot, if your 25 def u can be our p2p warlord, if your 30 def... wtf? fcking 30 def? k fine, we fail any way need numbers if your 40 def... wth 40? did we owel. its just 10 more then 30. if your 50 def. okay i hope this never ever happens so STOP GETTING DEF ALREADY
  5. 1st pure clan ever, Aprons, 2nd clan i think was Pink skirts, 3rd clan was MM because they copied pink skurts, ( IDK THIS PART SOZ MM ) and iron legends meh thats memories, i was in that IL also,
  6. um bro, if u been scaping for so long, their has been maybe over 10 straight p2p only clans? the last p2p only clan thats still alive would be TLP sir, and they just started f2p about 5-7 months ago?
  7. Tlp has sprayed away the most ugliest green thing in the wilderness, I believe we are all now happy,
  8. No flame, im surprised we pulled 74, thought we had the most, was expecting cp to pull like 60-70, but meh.
  9. Cpr was a tru clan, am0n should be more proud then any of the previous closing clan leaders, plus what clan had a leader that does the puggy wuggy on cam :) Bye Cpr, i will miss the ranks, -miss draggy -miss she died -maybe brutality kid had wierd pics l0l - loved PUMP 4 LYFE <3 and AMON
  10. Don't be to afraid to give out ranks, make sure they have earned the rank, and showed dedication. Giving out wrong ranks can destroy any clan in a second,
  11. was fun Drunk, love to pile u again.
  12. Amazing guys? when Country clans have wars, with over 50 people no mains show up ever, Hmm wat could i be possibly saying.
  13. #1 P2p matched, growing in f2p, welcome to tlp. best community, coolest wars, and most sexyest webcam's, not to mention K2p has a sexy voice, ;)
  14. It will be interesting, and good. clan wars is out of the picture for most clans, only when doing mini wars it will be their, the key to this generation of old school wildy, if mains come to a pkri, we know some 1 is intentionally cheating and was sht all year, If hf randomly finds mm in any World, we know who to call, GHOST BUSTERS
  15. cy = Control #ctrl ir+df+m = Hysteria #Hysteria to late lol
  16. So what clans would u guys want to see re-open? if the wildy comes back -TH -Dv -M -Tgg -A -Dy
  17. Wallice, its foe's worst nightmare in f2p. pretty sure back in the day it was #1eop #2fi #3th #4 foe in f2p back then. in p2p i think th was like "ok" not in top 4 p2p,
  18. wow loki, just quit rs, u obviously are not right.
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