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Max V2

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About Max V2

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    MAXlPAD V2
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  1. Max V2

    Mini Wars

    yeah, i would like to see some of the rich clans fight in rags, like as if it were pvp pking. cause alot of clans can beat anyone if you've all got an ags/claws.
  2. Max V2

    Mini Wars

    As most of you know, p2p mini wars are the most fun thing to do. You can use an ags/claws/other wealthy gear. But some clans win in clan wars but not pvp. Why is this? Because the richer clan wins. I would like to suggest possibly doing pking gear clan wars. I.E. - Ghostly robes instead of Infinity. DDS instead of claws/ags. You get my point? Please post on what you think about this.
  3. Referring to the last picture. Maybe one push that you had was successful. I still think that since at the end we said go out and you guys didn't move that we won. We sat at 18 ports for about 5 mins while you guys hopped.
  4. D000000val. your talkin about droppin mitchs bank when you clearly returned about 10 times with a water staff. nice call. GL rebuilding.
  5. Whenever they said they cleared us we said "go out". Instead we rushed out to 18 ports, waited for about 5-10 mins. Thats when we went back to BH saw they were gone and claimed the win.
  6. Defiance would gladly accept you. www.rs-defiance.com -MAXlPAD V2-
  7. Atta boy mitch. GF IC although i was a level 33. flash3:@@@@@ spammer win. MAXlPAD V2
  8. Summoning can be easily tanked if you know how to. Not always, as i said CAN BE. And dung should just be on. 15% from Arcane Stream and chaotic weapons. If people train to that they should be allowed to use whenever and whereever (speeling?) they like.
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