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Everything posted by fdklajfdjasidfaj3732

  1. Dude you know that anything that good was bound to get out somehow? Btw nice clan. Elmo
  2. Yes. Malice asked you for a 15 minute prep. Did we ask EOP to come with you? No. Were we even aware as to the fact that you were with EOP? No. Are we aware of the fact that on this topic, bragging about Exiled's trip, actually more EOP Members are represented than your own? Yes. Nice job Exiled, keep up the good work! Elmo
  3. That 32 is almost destined for Fatalitygreatness. Congrats on the fun :) Elmo
  4. Where's the [/sarcasm] part ? Didn't see it, I'll look harder next time. <3 Elmo
  5. So now I can go from homepage to checkin' those clan run in's even quicker, niiiice. Elmo
  6. A Note to the Reader: Yea, this is long. But it took me like at least 20 minutes to write, so I think it's at least worth the read, to laugh at my failed attempts of 'Scape humor. Go on, go for it. You know you want to. Today around noon I was chillin in the irl's when all of a sudden I was accosted by Iwis, Malice's legendary stoner Warlord and was told that an event would be good. I said no. However, upon getting offered nudes the chance of getting a bit of masser loot for our members, I accepted. Thus the trip was kicked off. Malice vs V0P/FS We massed fairly quickly, something that I, Malice's perhaps slowest member, was really impressed by. We headed out from world ninety's Fist of Guthix with a sound twenty or so. Upon hitting up the Bounty Hunter world of the day, we were up to twenty two. I was informed of the notorious pros, "V0P"'s location north of hills. Malice! Starting: 22 Members V0ltage Pures: Somewhere in the range of 20-30 FS Cc: Somewhat comparable to V0P's numbers. Perhaps a couple more. Malice quickly rushed them, and began battle. However, the fight itself had little chance to begin, as Fearless, a team that is not scared of anyone (get it?) quickly charged us from the north. We called a fall in south, by the lava gap, and then pushed forward. With the extra momentum, we just went hard through them, clearing or pushing to clan wars the combined likes of Fs and V0P. Unfortunately, the video of this one didn't quite turn up on the Tube. Oh well, no worries. Plenty of more action to be discussed, and viewed ;) Malice! Ending: About 17 V0P/ FS: 0 in the wild, definitely a couple in clan wars. Malice vs Lithuanian Pures After heading back to our world 90 stronghold to bank our loots- I picked up a sword that requires two hands to wield! - Iwis set up for us a 15 Minute Prep Run In with the "Lithuanians" as he calls them. Upon being offered they quickly accepted, and so we once again stocked our inventories quickly, and headed out to wait in a bh world. 15 or so minutes later, with swelled options, we made the trek up to the level 30 wilderness house, we sipped our pots, and charged on in. Malice! Starting: 30 Members Lithuanian Pures: 33 Members It was a really tough fight in the beginning, with the Lith Pkers not giving away any of their ground. However we Malicers 'went hard,' and following a fall in, combined for some quick Ko's. Following a LP push, Malice pulled north a bit, and following a responding thrust, were able to overwhelm them with our combination of adamant arrows, rune scims, and f2p smite's. Here we have two videos, making up for the last round :) Here 'tis Unfortunately that second one's audio is sort of, messed, as of right now. Hopefully that gets changed sooner than later. Malice! Ending: 19 Members Lithuanian Pures: 0 Members Thanks for the really good fight LP, lots of respect. Then came time for one of the best parts of the day, dinner. Malice members are familiar with my appetite for whales, and everyone knows it takes at least an hour and a half to eat those. Anyways I had like 2 or so, and came back, when I was informed that Malice was about to get another Prep, this time versus Exiled. EX AND EOP DECKING MALICE We met back up, equipping our team-40 capes and wizard hats, and once again, made the familiar set of clicks that brought us to world 57, a server that is good for player killing, or so I hurd. Unfortunately, I wouldn't know, as upon attempting to lead to clan wars, I suffered a virus-scan-attack, and was technically handicapped for like 5 minutes. And so what was a 15 minute prep turned into about 20, but hey no worries, they were a bit slow anyways. The opponent was Exiled, or so we thought. For those of you who don't know, they're a pretty new clan, like a week old ( a fact that [Ex]Clap_Town was happy to inform my counterpart in Elmoage, Ranq3r Elmo, in irc ). So yeah, they're a real clan. Trust them! This was going to be for sure be a good, well matched, fun, enjoyable, hardcore, arrow slinging, rune scimming, binding, fandago. Right? Not. So like I said, I was virus updating. And then after like 10 white screens, in and out, I was able to log into the best game of all time, otherwise known as JaGex's RuneScape. Upon doing so, I was 15 hit by a pure clan who's names, upon reading them in Edgeville, consisted of EOP names. I informed Malice to be on the look out for EOP, as they were dangerously close to our location. How right I was, I wouldn't know until about 5 minutes later. Unfortunately, I died in trying to return, a stroke of bad luck that would be reiterated when Malice came to realize that our fight verse EX had turned into a full on E-Battle vs not only fifteen Exiled members, but also, one of the hardest clans of all time. Obviously I'm talking about EOP! Malice! Starting: 28 Members Exiled Starting: 20 EOP Starting: 15+ Ex MM Starting: 1 So like, yea, I'm sure you after checking the lead up to this, that you're certain that this would turn into one of the most high profile clan encounters of '09. Pretty good call, I'd say. Check the video for yourself. It was a gg of Double-Team, almost better than myself and Tom versus M4G1CA, in bed safe clan wars of course. Check out the advice/comments below before/while viewing. Gotta compliment the naming of the video. It pretty well inspired me to name this fight the way that I did. However, I would like to point something out here. You can go ahead and flip ahead to 3:54. That's where the best part begins. Ex has invented something new and overall, revolutionary. Since "EluminatiRS" decided that a video of two clans on one was just sort of not stimulating enough, he included a two minute (lol?) irc conversation with a Malice Honoured Member. Way to change things up ! However, Malice's spirits on the day were not to be darkened. Despite saddened composure, and even worse, lessened banks, we decided to make the most of the day, heading out in a search for a higher opt'd, ExEOP. We invited a few Mayhem Makers, fresh off a win versus FOE- Grats guys! Upon a friend of Malice's arrival, 0bbymaulz, a true legend, accompanied by 10 of his masser? clan?, our opts were pretty large, just like Tom ^^ ;) So we set out, in search of the Double E's. We succeeded in killing 3 random EE members. That was sexy. Afterwards we just went ahead and went player killing. We had fun, got some loot, and got some drops of NH Masser teams. It's interesting, our day ended much as it began. Anyways, so yeah. That was Malice's Sunday Scape. Thanks to all clans/teams for the fights, save for Ex-EOP, for whom I have lost all respect. Congrats to MM for the win, and to whoever else had a good weekend. To Malice's own M Benjamin M, who made one of the worst attempts at quitting that I have ever seen, on his new fire cape. Also, to you, for reading all the way down here; you're probably like one of three. Oh yeah, also to Ex-EOP, for proving that even when you think a clan could go no lower, it's possible. That's all for now, Elmo.
  7. Kill any Cy members this weekend? Good job Malice, it was a good trip. Fatality.. lol. Elmo
  8. Congrats IE, but you sorta stole our cape.. Elmo
  9. Nice video guys, extremely unique with the voice aspect, the music was a bit of a let down though :x Kenni's clips were epic, and all the rest too^ Looking forward to the second. Elmo
  10. On behalf of G A V E: "Alright; I really don't care about anything you just said except that I was trying to hacking people using evas account? I don't own that account, Eva quit rs and gave the account to 305rang3rz. She gave h1n1 pk3r to v die try v and since 305 doesn't use eva, he lets me use it. I have NEVER tried to hack anyones account using esecretvpura and I never will. Please stop lying, or at least say it to my face and not a site you know I'm banned from." Elmo
  11. Okay so like the other day I was hanging with my grandmother and we watched "General Hospital," which is like the best American soap opera of all time. But then I was like "YO GENERAL HOSPITAL I'M HAPPY FOR YOU AND I'MA LET YOU FINISH BUT KJ WRITES THE BEST DRAMA OF ALL TIME" Personally, my favorite part was how to the latter part of it you started calling her a girl, instead of a he-she, which is funny because before that she wasn't, but later she became one. Perhaps your perception's off a bit. My two geepee's, Elmo
  12. lol but i was just plyn runscap and i found tem4 29 cape n i said lol let's scape and we wona bttle. Elmo
  13. I dnt c y evri1 hat1n on px bc 1 t1m i wz in wldeh and 11 ppl wr atknme n i was lyk o sh1t so i teld but then Px killd the 11 ppl but they had bettr f1re blstz so thy desrv 2 win vs nob cln liek malize.. lol.. Elmo
  14. Malice- You know us, we know you, you like us :) The End ^ Elmo
  15. Malice, we go hard :) Was a great trip, thanks to tall in attendance. Elmo
  16. This isn't between us. This is between Malice and DP. Elmo
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