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Enigma is a new upcomming clan, which was created when a large part of Intense Redemption's staff decided to make their own clan when they felt the issues with their former leader were not solvable. The Leader are: Mike (L_Harmz_Mike), Randy (Das_B1n_Ich/Carcassonne) and Numero On 1. Our clan has heaps of activity and we pride ourselves on our organisation. If you later decide to join you will soon find out what clans should be like. Our leadership team is very experienced, active, mature and friendly. Our - Our main focus is to have fun and kill other people. In our first three days we jumped to 35 Members and are still growing. In those 3 days we have had a total of 6 Mini's and 1 Pk trip furthermore we have managed to win 8/10 of our Mini's ranging against Dy, Cp, Sd, Ir, E and Dv.
Here is a little background information on our ranks.
L Harmz Mike: Mike is a well known pure who has been in and around the pure community for around 2-3 years. He started out in Bloody Legends at around early 2005, he was quickly able to establish his place in the clan and gained co-leader after 3 months. Soon after the clan died: moreover he moved on to Intense Redemption where he stayed for A year and a half; Mike showed dedication and overall brilliant leadership to take them 4th on the PCR list. Mike soon quit after several issues arising between him and Zo(Carlos s69) - soon after he decided to create a clan and named it Enigma meaning "a puzzling object or person."
Carcassone|Randy: Randy started off in K0 pures which was open for 6 months, he managed to gain the rank elite within the 3 months he was in. Soon after he decided to join Intense Redemption where his true potential shone through and after 5 months he recieved Senior rank for his skill and maturity. He decided to leave because of the way a leader was mistreating him and made Enigma with Mike
Numero on 1: Started out in the summer of 2006 in a LcoF where he learned alot about clans. The next year Numero joined Intense Redemption where he stayed in for a year, Numero showed his loyalty and activity, and gained High Council. Once Numero gained his position as high council hes true potential shined through.
Xx_M0cr0_xX: M0cr0 also known as Ilias joined Atrocity nearing the end of 06, He was in Ac for a year and rose to senior member. He left a year later because of inactivity on Ac's side, a couple of months later m0cr0 decided to join Intense Redemption where his eye for tactics was utilised. After 4 months he gained warlord and rose to the occasion.
H_____a___x: Pauls first clan was Blitz pures soon after he decided to create intense redemption alongside Hybridbros, I Tztok I and Tiger r4nged. Paul was one of the core members in IR but after alot of contreversy between him and zo, paul thought it would be best for him to leave. He went off and made his own clan named "Future Ownage," where he took Fo fast up the PCR ranks into the top 10. During Pauls return to rs, he decided to join Enigma.
*80+ Strength
*80+ Ranged
*82+ Magic
*75+ Hitpoints
*20- Defense
Future Applicant Requirements
*70+ Strength
*70+ Ranged
*70+ Magic [Desert Treasure Done
*66+ Hitpoints
*20- Defense