Volt will take care of this topic, but I'm going to leave this here:
Taken from -
Topics derived out of spite, hate and complete disrespect will be hidden from view. There will be no more of this "immature topics directed to start flame wars." If it is found that your topic is made out of false info to start arguments and forcing our moderators to work hard for your sake. Your attempt will be considered a troll, you will be suspended, lose your clan leader rank and your topic will be hidden from the public view.
Here's some ways on how you can post your topic in an accepted manner.
1. When posting the number of people both clans had. Do not assume that they had a number. Make sure you get an IRC quote from a rival rank and find out what they had for starting and ending options.
For example, do not put:
Our Clan - 75
Rival clan - 87?
Our Clan - 60+
Rival Clan - ??? or a number
Do put:
Our Clan - 75
Rival Clan - [Clan]Leader> 67
Our Clan - 60+
Rival Clan - [Clan]Leader> 34
2. Do not assume that every main in the wild is apart of the rival clan you're fighting, and do not go out of your way to show that they had a "main advantage". Every clan does it, you're not going to change anyone's view with simple words that are meant to "hurt" the other clans image. Instead, leave that info out.
3. If you're trying to provide complete proof, make sure you hand an un-edited video of PCR footage to give to the mods. Any TIMESTAMPED, picture of before and after will be most usefull for decisions upon closing rival "fake" topics.
And 4. Your topic is meant to show how much fun your clan had for that day, not to incite a riot via Pure Warfare forums. Keep your topic respectful to the members on this board and the staff, and you'll see a change in the community. Topics concerning revenge in terms of a healthy rivalry is okay by our means. But if you bring in how another clan "DDoS's" "Hacks" "Has mains" "RATs" ect, your topic will now become a flame-bait topic and will be closed upon creation.
Keep your topics fun, exciting and all-jokes for starting new and healthy rivalries. Anything personal will be considered a spite-full topic and handled by the mods, via the rules.
When your entire topic is a bait, how can you expect to have decent responses?