Anyways, I left in a selfish manner. Leaving this entire forum without another Admin/Moderator to watch it. Seeing as there is only Karl, CeeJay, ROOT and Retro left, 3 being australian timezoned. This forum needed another few mods for back up. And why not mix some Senior members and honoured members in that promotion bandwagon aswell?
Senior Member
Mateo - You've done so much for PW so far, and we expect alot more from you in the future. You're smart and have a good head on your shoulders. Not to mention you like to correct our very own admins with their English. I hope the best for you in the future.
Inu - Another bright member of sorts. Has been here making his input clear. Hopefully you end up somewhere in the content help of PW, or find your way to moderation. Whatever it is, good luck.
Honoured Member
Mark- One of our oldest members here at PW, your input is of a mature person; which is in need in the community of today. You have set the example of what it is to be a perfect member of the community and I really can see you being a moderator in the future, maybe taking one of our other aussies out of the race. You've set the bar on reporting, and on adding input instead of slandering. Much props.
Trial Moderators
Kosherkid - In all honesty, he's had moderator masking this whole time. He's reported the most of the action on Pw, and has been there for the website content. He's doing some the finest work this site has seen, and has broken expectations. Basically changing his colour because now nothing will change other then the thought of seeing the Moderator Kosherkid on your topic and not Senior Member Kosherkid
Ryan - Has been with us for awhile now, and he resides in the off topic area. He will be watching over the madness that is the off topic area, and I expect it to be alot of fun and chaos, which is something we all enjoy. Have fun there Ryan.
Volt - Has been there with me for awhile. I know myself that he's experienced within the community that is pure. He's been involved with these types of communitys for around 4 yearish now? He's experianced around the clan world and is a mature thinker that goes with what's best with his instincts. Volt is a great friend of the staff and always has had an input in my decisions, and now he can do it himself.
Brian - Last but not least. Another long time member of this community. Always has a mature reply for anyone and knows whats best to say at the better times. I feel that he has so much potential to be a great mod and I can only hope for the best. He isn't blinded by anything else to sway his decisions and that's all the we need for PW.
And for that, if you didn't get a promotion, you simply didn't deserve it. Most of you can't keep your claws out of a topic in order to ruin it. Most of you simply bark back when something is said about your clan or yourself. When in turn, you should not fight back and just report it to a moderator so you don't look like a big idiot to me or the staff, because that's basically what alot of kids have come out to be.
I came on for this week after being demanded to show myself to the community and switch things up and get some order around here. So with such big changes, this should make up for my loss, and again goodbye.