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Everything posted by iPKED

  1. That's if they find out where he went first :thumbsup: Haha, if we did prep, you'd be sitting that rune pure in your clan! :thumbsup: We don't have anyone higher than 36 Def in NME. If you believe someone has 40+ def feel free to /query [NME]Fayth or /query Myk|Away and I'll take care of it. Damn that's the same as us, nobody in CP is above 36 def. Anyways.. [22:25] -PHTP- *** [ NMEEENMEEEE ]: [Defence] Rank 628,260 | Level 44 | Experience 57,705 (0.44% to 99) | Exp to 45: 3,807 (41.17% to 45)
  2. Naw you lost to the better clan, don't have to cry. And no one really cares about p2p dude. Pretty sure Zenith do care enough to mass invites, your contradicting yourself. Hypocrites are the worst man Keep it up Fastback, I see your working hard for that advanced member rank!
  3. That's if they find out where he went first :thumbsup: Haha, if we did prep, you'd be sitting that rune pure in your clan! :thumbsup: Ironic Oh the Irony! I'm the real dirty dan!
  4. iPKED


    You should check out CP, we have a few Activation members here and they are having fun :P
  5. That's if they find out where he went first :thumbsup: Haha, if we did prep, you'd be sitting that rune pure in your clan! :thumbsup:
  6. I heard an MPC declined your fullout lol. Might join you guys on my level 66, too bad Batman trained prayer on it :(
  7. are you referring to krabby. if so hes a lobster, his name is just krabby. sry but i have a pokedex on my android and he is most certainly not a lobster That my friend is a Kingler, not a Krabby. :thumbsup:
  8. iPKED


    because nobody knows where he went Ahaha, good one! Sounds like a similar story to iDrawdee lol :whistling:
  9. iPKED


    I was around 35ish, simply due to having 2 or 3 level 100 skills :P Don't have time to play it now lol
  10. iPKED


    I don't get the joke. Why do you keep mentioning kevin lol..
  11. In some ways I do, in some ways I don't lol :P
  12. Your prep went from all off to all on by round 2, why would we prep you? Apparently Drunk had a scim do Milky said do all on and we agreed. Don't jump to conclusions and I said something positive, don't try come at me. Lets leave it there, and I said I hope we prep one day. Good job. :thumbsup: I'm really not even sure what you just said. :mellow: So* Was a typo on my iPhone, blame the prediction thing lol So like I was making my point to, CP doesn't follow the rules. When it was all off your LEADER had a Corrupt. Anyways, did you notice the word 'apparently?' Stop trying to point out flaws. Good night. :rolleyes:
  13. Your prep went from all off to all on by round 2, why would we prep you? Apparently Drunk had a scim do Milky said do all on and we agreed. Don't jump to conclusions and I said something positive, don't try come at me. Lets leave it there, and I said I hope we prep one day. Good job. :thumbsup: I'm really not even sure what you just said. :mellow: So* Was a typo on my iPhone, blame the prediction thing lol
  14. Your prep went from all off to all on by round 2, why would we prep you? Apparently Drunk had a scim so Milky said do all on and we agreed. Don't jump to conclusions and I said something positive, don't try come at me. Lets leave it there, and I said I hope we prep one day. Good job. :thumbsup:
  15. Great job NME! Eop beat us today in a 30 min prep, and you've beaten Eop, so technically you can take us out as well haha! We' ll see one day. Anyways keep it up. :thumbsup:
  16. Thanks for the fights, hope we can have a clean fight some day. :thumbsup:
  17. Ty for fights NME, hope we can have a clean P2P fight whether it's in clan wars or the wilderness.
  18. City want A*AA for my course, and I would love to go to City since it saves me moving out far away lol. Since they still have vacancies for my course, gonna try my luck through clearing. Better clubs and more things to do in London anyways :P
  19. I did pretty **** in AS, didn't take sixth form seriously until I flopped so don't wanna talk about it lol. Do well this year so you don't have to retake as many as I have to lol :D Good luck with your AS exams especially Maths! I got 91 for C1, 90 for C2 and a U for S1 so I'm retaking this June :P How you finding C3, C4 and S2/M1. If you got 2 90's in AS you should be able to get them in A2, possible A*? :P Only got 71 in C3 so i'm gonna resit, hopefully 90+ this time. C4 is pretty hard and Statistics is statistics; really boring lol. I hope I do redeem myself this summer and pull of that A* but i'd be happy with an A :)
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