Do enlighten us upon the subject.
U make up **** on every topic and you cody are a try hard ch fan boy who does nothing but bump topics with ur failed facts and flame i want to tell you something.
your 10 invites today wont last forever and you have no clue who you are dealing with you think you know zenith inside and out but i think you should start looking at the chaotic ml and relize that theres about 5 people that are spy's and you wonder how we get ur loc at the start of our trips.
just start hitting Ir/War/Tp to help you get out of your little slump
How do we make sht up on every topic? Not my fault that I know for a fact Zenith DO lie about opts, because I was in Zenith twice. Nice 8 post count, who are you btw? Never seen you around Zenith community. Don't come in here tryin to troll and sht talk me when you have absolutely no idea who I am. Show me 10 invites please. These are clanless people that Camel brought into Ch community so that they can eventually app in the next few days. Ohmygosh, 5 spies. Half of Zenith ML are most likely spies rofl. I don't know how that you cannot easily decypher from a spy or not, it's so simple. Looked like a pretty fun trip for us, I guess. Zenith cleared, 10 standing in clw, over 20 with us. Zenith cannot handle defeat, it's just a simple fact. Josh just was never able to handle it. I remember when Zenith got smashed by dF in a prep or mini or w/e and Josh ragequit, and Ryan damn near made a leaving topic. (Lol) And KJ, look how stupid you look right now lmao. Seth, Seth, Seth, nothing to say to you. Regardless what you say you're still my m8. :D God I love trolling these imbeciles on PW.
You know no idea how funny what you just said is for me
Dear Codie,
One of two reasons you left Zenith is no one liked you from the start. You came in acting like hard ****, and no one likes cocky children - and than you continued to stir up conflicts with me, flaming all over my graphics, saying you are better & when I ask you for a sig battle? You just deflect by saying DDoS battle? Because you can't handle the heat, you just hate zenith because we hated you first. Now get off our threads. Worry about Chaotic's state, cause lets face it CHAOTIC IS IN A SLUMP.So instead of coming on our threads thinking ur a tuff e-thug, worry about Chaotic and than worry about Zenith you ******.