I'll keep this topic short and sweet, it'll remove any motivation to flame and I'll hit the highlights so it's not such an eye soar. Enjoy the topic. Pulls
- Leaving Mass: 31
- Trip Peak: 35 Features Intense Redemption (Kind of) Revenge We Are Royalty x2 New Pure Order x2 Fatality x2 Corrupt Pures Mayhem Makers Action #1: featuring. Intense Redemption
Minutes into our trip, got locations on IR
Hit IR in single and through them into the pit of salmon Action #2: featuring. Revenge
- As we were walking up to GDZ with IR lootations, R leak told us they were at GDZ aswell
- Hopped quickly, found R in multi, in a fall in - cleared quickly. Sorry revenge, loot is loot.
- Aidan still thinks your adorable. Action #3: featuring. We Are Royalty, New Pure Order
- Swiftly transitioning from fight to fight this sunday, we hopped right after clearing revenge to hit NPO vs. WAR
- Lost track of NPO, but WAR put up a nice 2-3 minute fight when TLP rushed in. No wins claimed on WAR. Action #4: featuring. Corrupt Pures, Fatality
We finally went to bank our loot, regrouped edge bridge.
Went to mossies, suprised by the presence of Corrupt Pures
Fought them for a bit and pushed back and forth from Corp to Mossies, Mossies to Corp.
We cleared up Corrupt Pures and walked to single, laughing as Fatality ran into a cleared battlefield. Action #5: featuring. We Are Royalty or Tribulation?, New Pure Order
Walking up from banking our CP loot, we got word WAR/TR were fighting NPO at dwarves, he went around to mossies and hit it from corp side. Swapping winning/losing status, both sides fought valiantly when MM rushed in to clear it. No wins claimed here. Thanks for the fight. Action #6: featuring. New Pure Order
To finish off our night, we hopped to hit NPO in single, bridding their prayers and slamming foreheads until the New Pure Order was all cleared off the battlefield. We hold no grudges against your teleing members. Thanks for the loots NPO.
Thanks for the fight today, no flame intended on this topic; it's all in good fun.
Hope you had as much fun as we did this Sunday night. ~Aidan