After a Saturday of smashing, annihilating and defiling, the suspense for Sunday was well on the rise.
We set out with 36 Zenithians, later peaking at 41. With salmon in our backpacks and dragon daggers in our hand
we set out for our P2P Sunday. This is what happened yo Videos Coming Soon ]
With our first step into the wilderness, a source revealed the location of Outrage. We held our staves and
magic shortbows tight, we could hear the breathing of the Purple ones now. The Zalmon's through up our
warcries and rushed in, quickly steamrolling everyone in sight, leaving about 5-10 to log out. We ran east
to the northeast steps to meet The Last Pures in single, said hello, played some scrabble and logged out. To
here the Outrage stragglers hopped to a new world. Zalmons jumped at the chance of loot, quickly pressing
the log in button. We flew down the stairs and towards dwarves with immense speed, slamming the purple leftovers.
Thanks for the loot, Outrage - always a pleasure. Z VS. SKO
At the same time we were filling our pockets at dwarves with the juicy loot, a smell crossed the Zalmons nose,
all of them looked with pixel hungry eyes, they turned in unison to GDZ and ran, we swam for the gap and met
Sudden Knock Out who were spread out GDZ side. We caught there clumps and viciously thrashed our way through
the gap to kill the left over SKO girls, when Mayhem Makers was in from the east, we walked west and down
to Edgeville to bank our new toys. (09:30:21) <[sko]Jessssyyy> cya tonight.
Indeed you did, [sko]Jessssyyy.
After a quick reunion at Edge bridge, we got word that Outrage was just north of us in the same world we were.
Well, free loot is free. We ran up and destroyed any trace that Outrage was there. Thanks, Outrage.
Once again, a reliable source shot us a notification that Outrage was spread and ready for someone to hit them,
Lawson giggled at the chance for some more purple boots. So we canoe'd up to mossies and ran towards corp to
find Fatality rushing down towards Outrage was a stone's throw away. Instead of taking down Outrage again, we
took the chance to fight Fatality, Fatality and the Zalmons fought for about a minute or two when The Last Pures
came in from the north. Wanting to save all of our Zalmony souls, we booked it up northeast steps and into the pocket west.
We began gwas'ing The Last Pures and Fatality as they ran for mossies and left the battlefield. Thanks for the fight, Fatality. Z VS. NME
The Enemies approched the Zalmons for a PKRI, our member count was nearly matched, but it did not phase
the staff nor members; bloodlust was evident in everyone's eyes. We found out Enemy was spread GDZ side of gap waiting for us. We
walked up from mossies and around to between GDZ fence and gap, when we saw the greens of the Enemie's eyes. We rushed in to find
the battlefield swiftly shifted into a east vs. west fight, giving Zalmons the return advantage. Zalmons fell and Enemie's past,
still maintaining even opts when Intense Redemption rushed in from the east, and Final Ownage Elite came from the south. We walked west to
mossies and down to Edgeville, ending the trip. Thanks for the fight Enemy, can't wait for next Sunday. Pictures
No flame intended on this topic, all in good fun.
- [Z]Aidan