1. I think the "you can't win without your unit" stuff is completely retarded. People say Zenith only minis with their unit when infact we spam our IRC and ask people in vent if they want to mini so & so with these rules. Just because the people that consistently mini are good doesn't mean it's our unit in the first place, I think the better leveled/experienced people just tend to mini more often becomes it's more fun than if you were a 1 bang and had no idea what's going on (funny cuz I'm a 1 bang and can't get enough miniing.) Regardless, anybody who uses "can't win without your unit" excuses. Shut the hell up, welcome to runescape.
2. I think combat caps would be pretty neat to see tbh, though you won't get a mini in a million y[ears, people seem to think levels win them mini wars, which I guess is a fairly legitimate statement. If clans (like weekend trips) think they are at kind of disadvantage or have to gamble a win or loss, they simply will not roll the di. This coming from a level 115, who (if there were combat caps) would never be able to mini again :P Another rule I'd like to see alongside combat capped mini wars are a new rule for staff of lights, it allows everyone to tank their inventory and gives no chance for a clap out.
3. I think dung on and 1 defence are like the new default rules for mini warring, just go grab iDung pro and go get yourself a new chaotic toy (honestly, it's a 100 hours of doing botting AKA doing nothing and having the ability to step away from your computer aswell.) It really isn't as hard as your making it, just because your too lazy to set up the bot, you don't want people who have taken 30 seconds out of their day to set up their bot to have a slight advantage over you. Welcome to runescape.
tl;dr stop using 'unit' excuses, cb caps, staff of light rule, go bot yourself a dung toy and stop complaining.