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Ray Owns

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Everything posted by Ray Owns

  1. Green d'hide chaps 2.3k Black d'hide chaps 5.4k If you want to moan about that then i'll ******* give you the 3.1k difference i seen you post your dbones wealth on WARs topic lol i'm suprised your moaning about 3.1k. Also i do agree about asking for the clw thing it is kind of dumb lol Edit: Was scimming through the topic and noticed Ray/Roman fighting i don't see why your telling TR to go HPC to close why don't you close them if you want it so bad averages aren't to do with HPC it's reqs/ml size they have i believe the same reqs as WAR they just have recruited quality members. Barraging it's the fact that they pretty much pick on smaller Mls when have you heard of Tr going against someone that has there ML? never why go on a trip pull 50 and fight a clan with 30? why not go against eop/fi who pulled 50 too..and actually ML means nothing..it's averages if you have high averages you're HPC notice FOE they have a super high average and 100 members TR has the same averages and 60 ml pretty much HPC..main fact is no need to brag about us not accepting a prep/pkri personally i can't go to wild 70 to attack one of your mains i would love too..but wild isn't that deep
  2. That's what makes the Clan world fun <3 i love all the drama lol
  3. See you just put yourself out there..you clearly know nothing about P2P...really a whip 5m? facedesk.. And no we look for the same thing which we got today..thanks Co for trying i like the fact that you actually try..and hey when the vid is up we'll see who's right? or wait...why not just prove this in a p2p prep? so i can finally shut up..;/
  4. Tbh i don't get where you're coming from..rune longsword was actually looted from one of your members lool and even your own member said quote "duval was really looking for a win" that's good i like that strive..just make sure when they return they're geared so they can fight >.< Xpnk had his ags 1/2 the time l0l
  5. Did and does are two totally different things :D gl with contamination though...and see you every sunday :D It's all about who is left and obviously WAR is here to stay hated or not :P
  6. Why do you insist on talking down clans? obviously you don't have any right to..props on Ch but how far did that last?
  7. Just trying to bump this for you duval so you can get some good apps maybe some with p2p return sets :D so you don't have to beg them to come back in anything..but umm anywho i'll say gf and cya next weekend if you accept this prep man :D
  8. Ya zenith. Also WAR p2p prep us like we've been asking for months. you can have a +3 if u can outpull us. Dude now that i think of it..nice averages about time you go HPC want to just leave so you can actually compete and get closed? i'm pretty sure EOP is trashing you guys enough..go HPC so you can tab on TLP more Im bout to sleep, but we've fought eop once in a prep and almost won without me even being their lol'd, and thats with unexperienced leaders/callers. You got cleared by a group of tr pking after we dismissed today. Fact is i talk **** but we can back it up. Now reply while im asleep and ill troll you tomrorow and tell you 30 reasons why your clan is ****. Gn and happy scaping :thumbsup: 1. you're a horrible caller? 2. soham had to teach you guys how to call because you couldn't 3. and HPC averaged clan can take out MPC easily 4. obviously you're sticking to MPC b/c you're scared of HPC 5. why not put some low level members so your averages can drop maybe then MPC would take you serious 6. 60 ml and you take invites because you pull "20-30" nice active ml 7. i could keep doing this all day..obviously just leave go HPC so Tr can close and then i can say #war-rs apps open Soz had to set bot. If im a horrible caller prep us, and soham led a prep when i wasn't there, and he told me that he called for you because you asked him to because your ranks are garbage. I've been calling since Dv, before your horrid clan was even open lol. We're not sticking to mpc, we've put fights against fi/eop, we hit who we find. Check our apps, most app's we get are fairly high leveled. and yeah 60 ml, we pulled 46 today, sorry bud. So anything else before i go to bed, because I just proved all your claims false. Pm me for cc pics if you want, you won't find an invite bud. Stop trying so hard just because the highlight of your month was when you teamed with Zenith. #war-rs if you have an iq of 10. gn! :NULL: Only time soham calls is when we let him fun mini with us..trust me i ALWAYS call in mini's unless Xpnk is on..we have fairly good callers..and Roman obv **** caller is obv dude..and yes please leave MPC and you call getting 3-0'd by eop/fi "putting up a fight"..or not even asking them for run-ins on sunday and lying saying hey Tp we pulled 12 people want to pkri us since you only have 18? come on dude..just stop trying to out troll a troll...please..
  9. Ya zenith. Also WAR p2p prep us like we've been asking for months. you can have a +3 if u can outpull us. Dude now that i think of it..nice averages about time you go HPC want to just leave so you can actually compete and get closed? i'm pretty sure EOP is trashing you guys enough..go HPC so you can tab on TLP more Im bout to sleep, but we've fought eop once in a prep and almost won without me even being their lol'd, and thats with unexperienced leaders/callers. You got cleared by a group of tr pking after we dismissed today. Fact is i talk **** but we can back it up. Now reply while im asleep and ill troll you tomrorow and tell you 30 reasons why your clan is ****. Gn and happy scaping :thumbsup: 1. you're a horrible caller? 2. soham had to teach you guys how to call because you couldn't 3. and HPC averaged clan can take out MPC easily 4. obviously you're sticking to MPC b/c you're scared of HPC 5. why not put some low level members so your averages can drop maybe then MPC would take you serious 6. 60 ml and you take invites because you pull "20-30" nice active ml 7. i could keep doing this all day..obviously just leave go HPC so Tr can close and then i can say #war-rs apps open Soz had to set bot. If im a horrible caller prep us, and soham led a prep when i wasn't there, and he told me that he called for you because you asked him to because your ranks are garbage. I've been calling since Dv, before your horrid clan was even open lol. We're not sticking to mpc, we've put fights against fi/eop, we hit who we find. Check our apps, most app's we get are fairly high leveled. and yeah 60 ml, we pulled 46 today, sorry bud. So anything else before i go to bed, because I just proved all your claims false. Pm me for cc pics if you want, you won't find an invite bud. Stop trying so hard just because the highlight of your month was when you teamed with Zenith. #war-rs if you have an iq of 10. gn! :NULL: Only time soham calls is when we let him fun mini with us..trust me i ALWAYS call in mini's unless Xpnk is on..we have fairly good callers..and Roman obv **** caller is obv dude..and yes please leave MPC and you call getting 3-0'd by eop/fi "putting up a fight"..or not even asking them for run-ins on sunday and lying saying hey Tp we pulled 12 people want to pkri us since you only have 18? come on dude..just stop trying to out troll a troll...please..
  10. [Co]Duval> im done owning u in the wild and owning u on this keyboard ur a waste of time breath and finger movement [Co]Duval> have a nice night with ur **** clan [WAR]Ray|Come_Again> ok p2p prep? [WAR]Ray|Come_Again> ok p2p prep? [WAR]Ray|Come_Again> why ignore prepping us in clw? [WAR]Ray|Come_Again> are you that scared we're gonna **** on you? Duval why do you keep ignoring the prep dude..this time you can't return in 1 items and protect it nor can you beg Tr to come help..just CLW prep us?
  11. Ya zenith. Also WAR p2p prep us like we've been asking for months. you can have a +3 if u can outpull us. Dude now that i think of it..nice averages about time you go HPC want to just leave so you can actually compete and get closed? i'm pretty sure EOP is trashing you guys enough..go HPC so you can tab on TLP more Im bout to sleep, but we've fought eop once in a prep and almost won without me even being their lol'd, and thats with unexperienced leaders/callers. You got cleared by a group of tr pking after we dismissed today. Fact is i talk **** but we can back it up. Now reply while im asleep and ill troll you tomrorow and tell you 30 reasons why your clan is ****. Gn and happy scaping :thumbsup: 1. you're a horrible caller? 2. soham had to teach you guys how to call because you couldn't 3. and HPC averaged clan can take out MPC easily 4. obviously you're sticking to MPC b/c you're scared of HPC 5. why not put some low level members so your averages can drop maybe then MPC would take you serious 6. 60 ml and you take invites because you pull "20-30" nice active ml 7. i could keep doing this all day..obviously just leave go HPC so Tr can close and then i can say #war-rs apps open
  12. Ya zenith. Also WAR p2p prep us like we've been asking for months. you can have a +3 if u can outpull us. Dude now that i think of it..nice averages about time you go HPC want to just leave so you can actually compete and get closed? i'm pretty sure EOP is trashing you guys enough..go HPC so you can tab on TLP more
  13. wanna p2p prep us like ive been asking you for months. Facedesk to i have to make you seem dumb just like i made jj jst too pro feel dumb? Remember? i'll send you link to it if you want..why not keep asking clans that compare to your ml and averages like hmm? EOP and FI or are you to scared to lose again when it's matched?
  14. But Duval since you've been ignoring me everywhere irc, wars topic, hmm maybe here too? want to P2P prep us in clan wars? so then you can't bring f2p return sets or 1 item? New clan and all but you really like to talk ALOT
  15. lol i'm sorry but war + db + z? doubt it lol..zenith ended way before we got to fight you guys..and db? we've never really been friendly with them enough to call for them? plus we don't need help..i'm sorry but in p2p we have Co
  16. Atleast some people appreciate us..and alive you're one to talk half your clan is addy :D lol
  17. #war-rs check us out :P for F2p totally Zenith..if you want to be threatened to get hacked #tribulation
  18. fuckkkkkk i mean i love you sam #war-rs apps open lmao
  19. BRB CALLING Z okay. Who cares. It wasnt a fight anyway, i went there with rag just to screw around. I told DB to for some fun. Thank you for summing up everything, besides us winning. 1st off, I'm probably older than you. 2ndly, we were never cleared and I have like 10+ pictures to prove it, we were the last ones standing, Beating Z: $5 Beaintg DB: $3 Beating Ranks of Z + Ranks of DB + WAR? Priceless. Prep Please? Tomorrow sounds fun 1 def all off? or what?
  20. P2P prep us duval i know you're reading this? l0l you seem to not answer me in IRC so prep us please? in the wild we demolished you let's see in clan wars where you can't return in f2p gear to a p2p battle ;o
  21. Co be made mane...you guys clearly need to get organised better if you want we can prep in p2p clan wars since then you can't come back in **** gear?
  22. L0L contamity seems mad...dude it's ok to be cleared 4 times it's normal..i mean look at DB..it's normal..just you know Duval has that super huge mouth saying ohh WAR is bad..yet he won't prep us in clw since in the wild his members run in a 5v5 3 people ran l0l nice job guys
  23. Only person i like is you now dramatic <3 actually had the balls to be a man and apologize
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