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Everything posted by Bond
One thing you didn't take into consideration is people coming and going through the trip. Even though one clan may have peaked at 40 members, they could have had 50 different people actually attend the trip. But its an interesting topic nonetheless.
Agree with most of the stuff in here. People flame others just because of the clan cape they wear. From experience, I've learned that this situation is applied EVERYDAY to other real world scenarios. omg he hangs out with THOSE PEOPLE? he's in THAT FRATERNITY? he plays THAT SPORT?? he goes to THAT COLLEGE?? All essentially the same thing. It's prejudice. We have laws to try and control it, but it is something that will never be fully removed from society.
Battlescape doesn't count. On topic though hmm... used to pk with massers back in like 2003 or something when Seb and Alex used to lead DS and buncha other massers. But official erm 2006 idk? That was in 07, I use to go out of my way to track the masser teams or whatever. I remember leading the pure community (70ish people from every clan) to take out 3 big ones before the wilderness was taken out. Best weekend to end the era. I remember that exact fight and agree, definitely one of the best days in rs in my life. Would never happen nowadays with all the hatred and immaturity. But on topic - voted 2001 to look cool. Actually made my 1st pure in late 05/early 06, started clanning in late 06 I believe.
gj. couldnt attend as i had class
Best overall F2P clan (wilderness): EOP Best overall P2P clan (wilderness): FOE Most potential: could make an argument for a lot of clans here Best leadership team: don't know other clans' so can't say Best organization: FOE Best tanks: whoever is wearing the most addy Most consistent: kinda vague question Most hated: EOP Most respected: TLP Best F2P matched (Clan wars): MM when their old schoolers are on Best P2P matched (Clan wars): FOE Best in fullouts (Clan wars): MM see above Best in F2P mini wars: probably one of the smaller clans since they are usually more active Best in P2P mini wars: don't know, don't care Best community: homer pick - TH Most active: those masser clans that fight and post topics like everyday
Never said it was going to. It's a hypothetical situation.
Intense Redemption - zo Eruption of Pures - solo Mayhem Makers - mahatma Final Ownage Elite - cha0s pur3 The Last Pures - hiei Fatality - beezlebub pk Corrupt Pures - drunkin Control - p0ke Zenith - lawson Outrage - yawnz We Are Royalty - xpnk Chaotic - don't know anyone Defiance - don't know anyone Havoc - ayo loki Enemy - charlie Exiled Force - trile The Hatred - tony / b l u orchid Massacre - don't know anyone Malice - tom n eto
Curious. I would join a different clan.
I actually had a few pics of leaders' kill messages back when I used to care. I had Zo when he was Hybridbros, Pur3 Sponge when he (she) was Crystal, Nite E Pker from TPF, and I think a few more that I don't remember.
ah yes I remember you. Good to see another old skooler check back in. the clan world has definitely changed but there are certain days that definitely still bring back the memories.
Notice we just posted some vids, in attempt to avoid retards from NME posting on our topic and turning into the attention hungry flame bath purewarfare ***** topic that their weekend trips are..... And the idiots still flock in.... **** amazes me, NME grow up I know you guys are mostly 12-15 and this game matters a lot to you right now. But it's just a video game ^>^ Ok lets watch your amazing video. FIrst fight you apparently clearing all the NME that IR doesn't get. NME starting, 40, NME ending 32. Against 3 clans all out for us. Second fight, we had 32 starting and when IR hits we had around 29. It's hard to say how many you have as 2/3 vidders die when they go inside us but it appears you had 20-24 left. judging by an orb count whilst our orb count shows around 29. Then shows EF Vs Malice where you call TH, so clearly another fight lost. Then shows EF vs NME at Ca where your vidders die again and we then clear you all then send your regroup at 12 ports running. Then cuts out as you have lost. You then show a fight at NE stairs where you guys are cleared and your vidders die. You then show you rerushing 5 mins later with 15 people as marty accidently relogs into your world and you claim a victory. The third defeat of the video. You then claim to chase us but all it is is you crashing NME vs Zenith. Your vidder dies for like the 10th time in the video and you cut back in. The NME vs Zenith fight we were fighting on half food and no prayer and then you come half way through. You fail to clear us and spam off Zenith and then EOP hits. I guess i know this comment was a bait but i just can't get enough so ya know i respond and all. clean 1v1's we sweep 3-0. in clusters you fail again and fail to clear any clan and end up in all dieing yourself. Not hard to see who had the better weekend really. P.S. cya i'm done untill we wreck you again next weekend. TH was never called by EF. The rest of it though I'll let them speak for themselves.
OK I'm gonna try to settle this maturely. 1st paragraph - In our opinion, we were winning the fight. In your opinion, you were winning the fight. Obviously it doesn't matter because it was crashed. EF and NME were both there, so we are both at fault. 2nd - This fight also got crashed by IR, we didn't claim a win here. You guys bailed, IR crashed, then EF crashed, then NME was there somehow too. TH and EF went after IR and NME was just chillin pickin kids off from both sides. Again, no wins were claimed here as it was a massive cluster. 3rd - We were unaware because we went to charge pray and thought we were going to be fighting at vents. We accidentally ran into you and figured we'd wait until deeper wilderness to fight. But then a few M members rushed and the fight began. We already acknowledged that you guys were winning, however we were never fully cleared. 15-20 of us sprinted north to try and drag to deeper wilderness. As soon as we did this, EF crashed on their own because they have a spy. This is when you guys spammed "brb calling ef" to which we responded "find your spy." After the EF crash things again deteriorated and no wins can be claimed. 4th encounter - This was the only 100% clean fight and TH won without a doubt. No matter what kind of **** talking goes on on one clan's home forums, we all have a reputation to keep on public forums such as pure warfare. Although some flame is impossible to avoid, it can be minimized by avoiding flame bait posts. I am not affected by such baiting, but a lot of people are, including some TH members. Some of the things posted on this topic and in the replies are BLATANT flame baits, and it is then inevitable to avoid a thread turning into a pissing contest. 1. EF crashed, NME didn't. NME was at ******* lava gap lol. 2. Off TH was said in IR's ts :/ 3. How can a win not be claimed here? You ran from the fight, which is quite hypocritical because you crashed us at the chaos altar whilst we were fighting TB; you didn't seem to have a problem with levels there. 4. Yes you won that congratulations Do you realize this was all started when you won that matched prep? The amount of blatant flame bait on that topic was excruciating for our members to handle, yet we didn't retaliate through a conceited sense of arrogance like your members have. You also then went on to bait us the whole saturday, which was pathetic considering after that weekend you didn't even come near us for month. You're trying to sustain a reputation materialized out of pride and nothing more, congratulations. 1. There was a mix up. blame EF, not us. 2. I don't care what they said, the fact that you think we called them is laughable. 3. ok u won 4. no argument If someone from TH posts flame bait, delete it and warn them. You are a moderator. Mods should be above answer flame bait with more flame bait. Your better than that, I know it. To the massive amounts of NME flame baiting this topic as well - even if the 3rd fight was counted as a Malice win, the final score for the day was 1-1. Hardly a "steamrolling"
Lost all my pics on an old computer. Had a couple great ones though. This is a vid to one of my 1st wars, I was in TFP and we were supposed to be fighting random clan and instead EOP crashed. At the time we were devastated but now its really funny.
30 def cap :facepalm:
OK I'm gonna try to settle this maturely. 1st paragraph - In our opinion, we were winning the fight. In your opinion, you were winning the fight. Obviously it doesn't matter because it was crashed. EF and NME were both there, so we are both at fault. 2nd - This fight also got crashed by IR, we didn't claim a win here. You guys bailed, IR crashed, then EF crashed, then NME was there somehow too. TH and EF went after IR and NME was just chillin pickin kids off from both sides. Again, no wins were claimed here as it was a massive cluster. 3rd - We were unaware because we went to charge pray and thought we were going to be fighting at vents. We accidentally ran into you and figured we'd wait until deeper wilderness to fight. But then a few M members rushed and the fight began. We already acknowledged that you guys were winning, however we were never fully cleared. 15-20 of us sprinted north to try and drag to deeper wilderness. As soon as we did this, EF crashed on their own because they have a spy. This is when you guys spammed "brb calling ef" to which we responded "find your spy." After the EF crash things again deteriorated and no wins can be claimed. 4th encounter - This was the only 100% clean fight and TH won without a doubt. No matter what kind of **** talking goes on on one clan's home forums, we all have a reputation to keep on public forums such as pure warfare. Although some flame is impossible to avoid, it can be minimized by avoiding flame bait posts. I am not affected by such baiting, but a lot of people are, including some TH members. Some of the things posted on this topic and in the replies are BLATANT flame baits, and it is then inevitable to avoid a thread turning into a pissing contest.
MALICE IS NH@!@!@!@!@!@!
Your fellow TH member; Another TH member; So both IR and EF were called. And because you admitted we were winning in fight #3, I made no lies or suggestions that were out of place. I wasn't there for the fourth fight, so I have no idea how that went. Now point out where I'm lying or get off my topic. See? I provide Quotes, pictures and proof of what I claim. Not just random posts yelling PROPAGANDA YOU LIARS There's a difference between calling to crash and AC-ing. We didn't tell EF "omg we're losing go and crash so we don't get cleared l0l0l". They charged in on their own because they have a spy in NME and believed they were crashing. I don't have "proof" or whatever but that's what happened, spin it whatever way you want. IR is trolling. We have no relatinship to IR whatsoever. Once again, think what you want, but I am telling you straight up, we did not call IR.
Can we stop beating a dead horse? There was a mix-up which led to a crash. Everyone just shut up. Cya next week.
We know we had a spy in our clan. We welcome spies. We use them for that extra +1 opt to win every fight we had. But that doesn't matter since your clan admitted to calling EF and IR members admitted to being called by your clan. Check the NME topic if you want to read it all. On the propaganda part; I'd love to see where we lied. We claimed NO win in the first fight against you guys which got crashed by your anticrash unit, which screenshots prove. We claimed to have cleared TB which the video proves We claimed NO win in the second fight because MM came, also with screenshots We claimed we cleared you out of Chaos altar, which the video proves We claimed clearing EF out of Chaos altar, which the video proves Your turn. This kid led us into Multi when CP tried to hit us in single smoketown #1 The "propaganda" is making it look like you smacked us around and we resorted to cheating and shenanigans to win. Nobody admitted to calling EF or IR because we didn't? You seriously think we called them to a 1v1 fight? We did not. Get that out of your head, please. Our first fight, EF and NME (of whom there are spies in both M and NME) had a mix-up and thought the other was going to crash, which led to an awkward fight with no winner. 2nd fight, IR crashed. Why the **** would we have any business calling IR to crash? The fact that this was even suggested is laughable. 3rd fight in altar - we spammed off and you guys attacked. Yes, you guys were winning. However, we dragged north to try and move the fight when EF crashed. I guess it appeared that we called them, but once again I am telling you they have a spy in you. 4th fight was clean and we won.
I'm sorry Inu but this topic is blatant propaganda. Think what you want, but you have spy(s) in your clan.
good job, thanks for ac-ing for us.
I think it was an honest mix-up on both sides. TH and M are fighting, NME and/or EF are there both assuming the other is going to crash, one of them rushes the other and another clan (IR) shows up and it turned to a cluster. Nothing more needs to be said.
I remember like 6 years ago 5+ def was unacceptable in most clans. On topic, doubt it will happen anytime soon. For the record, I also don't think clans will ever allow 40 def, as then they wouldn't be allowed to use this site.