Unlimited's 1 Month Anni Trip
On this day, July 21st, we set out with 31 strong warriors ready to punish resistance to edgeville. It has been 1 month of killing resistance but today they truly deserved it for hacking our forums, ddosing our members and teamspeak. (New forums: http://unlimited-rs.com/forums Proof of every resistance nohonor act will be included in this topic.) We also encountered many other clans such as xL, BV, PF and LT. Unlimited VS Resistance Long intro the trip, one of our fights vs resistance consisted at green hill. It started south of gh in single, we forced them to go multi so they ran to gh wanting to give us a fight but they didn't know what to expect. We had 20 and 3 not in range before we rushed and they had 23 confirmed by my leak in resistance, we chased them onto green hill and our fight lasted 3-4 minutes. We eventually cleared them and pushed them all the way north to lvl 19 wildy. Our ending opts were 22 since hardly anyone died and the few not in range returned. Watch the video. Goodfight Resistance. After clearing resistance, BV decided to suicide into us and we quickly cleared up their 7-10 man. Unlimited VS Resistance We heard resistance was in a cluster so we decided to rush in the cluster purely just to kill resistance. A cluster of PF, LT and Resistance. We hit LT but we saw resistance at the entrance of chaos alter so we switched to resistance, we held north and pushed them right inside ca next to the actual alter. It was a cluster of PF, R and Unlimited, we decided to punish resistance only so we only focused on green while being hit by pf. They ran out of chaos alter as we managed to take over the fight and cleared them as they moved west of chaos alter. Our starting opts were around 25 and ended with around 15. Goodfight Resistance. Unlimited VS Leet Tactics We organised a fight LT at vents, we rushed them with 27 Unlimited warriors and they had around 30-33. We held west of vents with our range out and were doing great. A minute into the fight, we found out xl rushed from north so we moved south of the vents and focused on LT. Another clan also crashed, couldn't tell who so LT ran east to corp and we ran south to single's tree. In the vid, you should see our ending opts were 25, we only lost 2 people. We turned our runescape screen south east and saw LT stacked inside the tree's, we rushed them with 25 and held the same opts, and dropped LT as if we were winning the fight but sadly resistance crashed our fight so we ran to the south entrance of spider village and picked off a few LT stragglers. We then decided to regroup at edge furnace. This could have been a better fight if resistance didn't crash. Unlimited VS Bloody Vikingz We heard BV was behind chaos alter defending, waiting for us so we rushed them, and quickly cleared them up, a few of them managed to escape. They had around 10-15. Thanks for this fight Bloody Vikingz.
We'll edit our topics if any opts are incorrect but I think it's fine. We have a vid, feel free to watch it :] Info on nohonor clans Before we head onto the videos and pictures. We'd like to show you what resistance has been upto this trip with how far they took the ddosing. All proof. Ddosing our ranks? Ddosing our ts? Resistance make a propaganda topic? Videos/Pictures