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Everything posted by Inu

  1. Inu

    Package of 2

    Guessing TLP by the second picture. Also check out #havoc
  2. #Malice 1-20 Defence, and almost everyone of us is 70-90 combat.
  3. Automatic generated message This topic has been closed by a moderator. Reason: Top clan list was locked for a reason. If you disagree with the action which has been taken on this topic, please PM a Moderator or an Administrator. Kind regards, Pure Warfare Staff
  4. Intense Redemption - Zo Eruption of Pures - Milky Mayhem Makers - 13th Final Ownage Elite - walli The Last Pures - Big Alex 67 Fatality - Doi Corrupt Pures - Toxine Control - Rangep00n Zenith - Co0kiez Outrage -Austin We Are Royalty - Xvideos Chaotic - Duval Defiance - walli Havoc - Zack Enemy - Ben Exiled Force - Whale hunters The Hatred - Sirswat Massacre - Leen Malice - Tom n Pedo
  5. The likelihood of clans accepting and you with 36 defence is slim. The only clans I can think of are CP and EOP, maybe Outrage. Try those clans out and see what's up.
  6. No rivalries anymore, it's just blatant hate.
  7. OK I'm gonna try to settle this maturely. 1st paragraph - In our opinion, we were winning the fight. In your opinion, you were winning the fight. Obviously it doesn't matter because it was crashed. EF and NME were both there, so we are both at fault. 2nd - This fight also got crashed by IR, we didn't claim a win here. You guys bailed, IR crashed, then EF crashed, then NME was there somehow too. TH and EF went after IR and NME was just chillin pickin kids off from both sides. Again, no wins were claimed here as it was a massive cluster. 3rd - We were unaware because we went to charge pray and thought we were going to be fighting at vents. We accidentally ran into you and figured we'd wait until deeper wilderness to fight. But then a few M members rushed and the fight began. We already acknowledged that you guys were winning, however we were never fully cleared. 15-20 of us sprinted north to try and drag to deeper wilderness. As soon as we did this, EF crashed on their own because they have a spy. This is when you guys spammed "brb calling ef" to which we responded "find your spy." After the EF crash things again deteriorated and no wins can be claimed. 4th encounter - This was the only 100% clean fight and TH won without a doubt. No matter what kind of **** talking goes on on one clan's home forums, we all have a reputation to keep on public forums such as pure warfare. Although some flame is impossible to avoid, it can be minimized by avoiding flame bait posts. I am not affected by such baiting, but a lot of people are, including some TH members. Some of the things posted on this topic and in the replies are BLATANT flame baits, and it is then inevitable to avoid a thread turning into a pissing contest. 1. EF crashed, NME didn't. NME was at ******* lava gap lol. 2. Off TH was said in IR's ts :/ 3. How can a win not be claimed here? You ran from the fight, which is quite hypocritical because you crashed us at the chaos altar whilst we were fighting TB; you didn't seem to have a problem with levels there. 4. Yes you won that congratulations Do you realize this was all started when you won that matched prep? The amount of blatant flame bait on that topic was excruciating for our members to handle, yet we didn't retaliate through a conceited sense of arrogance like your members have. You also then went on to bait us the whole saturday, which was pathetic considering after that weekend you didn't even come near us for month. You're trying to sustain a reputation materialized out of pride and nothing more, congratulations.
  8. Everything we said has proof/evidence behind it. We said the first fight that EF rushed in and crashed us, but you (Th) had to elaborate on the fact that you asked them to come due to the fact NME is lurking. That's why we said you called EF. We also thought we were winning the fight, but again that's our opinion in the fight and we made no efforts to confirm our beliefs. We claimed to have cleared TB out of the chaos altar, which can be proved by the video. Then you decided to crash our fight. You did absolutely zero damage and the very fact that you claim to have smacked us around saturday is baffling, at least based on this accusation. Our 3rd encounter, we rushed you at chaos altar while you were unaware (Which shows that you're once again dependent on EF for spies -.-). We claimed to have cleared you out of the chaos altar, and we did, forcing you to run up for some reason. Then EF rushed in, and we claimed to have pushed the fight out of the chaos altar when you re-rushed. Please don't agitate this feud here. I know you talk a lot of trash about Malice (And me in particular) in your member boards and teamspeak, but I think Purewarfare isn't the best place to continue it.
  9. #Malice | Site | Memberlist | MaliceStudios A Mighty 75% of our memberlist decided to venture out in the wildy. We were promised dead Hatred members. And we delivered (kinda lol). Our first fight of the day was Against TH. But everyone knows Saturdays aren't that straight forward. Forced to change worlds because some Corrupt Addy clan rushed us in Single while we were waiting for TH to defend. A quick hop and only one death quickly solved this nuisance. Ask for a fight next time kiddos.The skirmish could begin. We knew #Caketown was ready. It's walls well defended, but we were ready to breach. A great battle emerged. Fighting for every scimitar and fearing the mighty one-bangs, both clans performed admirably. I'd love to claim a win, but suddenly, out of nowhere, a wall of Pink hit us. Was this a rerush? A mighty return group, battling their way from the depths of Iwi's house? Expecting TH capes, we saw the mighty Exiled Forks, crashing our great battle. Alas, PureWarfare. Another great 'what could have been'. But this couldn't be it. This isn't why we ventured into the wilderness. This small ammount of bloodshed would not suffice. Regrouping in single, and rerushing as soon as the fall in was completed, we found both EF and TH afraid of the vents. Ready to crash but afraid to get in Multi? Luckily for us, TH returned. Ready to give us another battle we thought, but then suddenly Intense Redemption rushed in, calling 'off TH'. Come on TH. Protecting Caketown isn't worth forsaking your honor. After this, we were going south to bank. Inu was afraid to lose his pixels (apparently he looted a scim or two) but on our way down Turbulence called. Low on food and prayer, we decided to retaliate for yesterday, and teach them not to quit on us. Today is Saturday, remember that kids. Getting a mighty two one bangs just for the sake of Mandyland, my superior returning and sniping got us the victory. And right as we were celebrating, TH refound their lost honor and decided to fight us. But Luckily a pink caped clan came again. Ready to take the 2v1, ready to bang them out. Alas, it was a different Pink clan. Apparently all the HPC were afraid of fighting each other, and decided to join into crashing Malice tonight. Thanks Crashers of Mayhem. Great fight TB, and good try MM can't touch us. (Nananana Nana Nana Nanana) The Gods be praised, we ran into TH again. Ready to give them a good fight before IR or EF could be called, we closed them into the altar. And chaos ensured. A glorious battle on our part; losing close to none. The fight being over before we could return. Caketown was nowhere to be seen. Right when Caketown laid down their arms, EF rushed us. Again. And again, we brought the fight to them. Clearing yet another pink cape clan? No problem when you're in #Mandyland. Laying down the good old in out in out on EF, we decided to call it dibbs when TH rerushed. Bent over from all the loot, and many more battles yet to face. #Mandyland. And this is where my story ends. After so many battles still 30 members strong. The tale that happens now, will be told by mighty Asian correspondant Inu. After whatever **** that was we decided to get a run in against TH at vents. We defended, and they rushed us from the northwest. We controlled the fight in the beginning, sending TH to chop more canoes and act all native n ****. However, they eventually wore away at us, out-returning us. They eventually took the fight - Congratulations TH o...... We then hopped to our homeworld, w 90, where a huge fuckfest was happening with all those top clans. We decided to go and say hi, but we ended up meeting TB during the middle of our march. We fought TB at 18 ports, clearing them within a minute. After, TH decided to join our fight no matter how brief. Fi rushed in and we ended up getting scattered. We regrouped at 13 ports, where we saw TB again. We cleared them another time, then had XL snipe us (IM MAD). We decided to call it a trip after filling inventories with rune scimitars. However, TB decided to challenge us to a clan wars prep after the trip. We accepted it and won 2-1.
  10. #malice We know when to have fun, we know when to get serious.
  11. Inu


    #malice You're right around our combat level, which is more consistent then many pure clans out there. We mostly do F2P, with flashes of P2P, albeit we're trying to expand into that server. I'd love it if you checked us out.
  12. You realized EF crashed before NME did anything in that fight?
  13. Looks like Ef tried to crash a lot :P Too bad it didn't do them any good.
  14. Fatal Force or Frozen Fury, what matter is that I own. Y/n
  15. #Havoc They're a good P2P clan, and it seems like you're interested in P2P :P
  16. Couldn't make it, but that doesn't excuse our horrible performance. Good job NME :D
  17. It's not going to be fun, because you're going to end up rage quitting again like you did the last two versions of DF.
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