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Contrary to the amount of ownage concentrated into this topic, our midweek was terrible. We lost to clans we thought we were better than and had people leave due to a variety of reasons. However, after a speech by a foreigner named Dave (******* weird how a foreigner is named Dave, he should be named something like Iwis) we set off to get revenge for Jimmy.
If you don't know Jimmy, this is him:
His parents were killed on July 2nd of 2011
Oh and R.I.P Amy Winehouse, who lived 20 years longer than we expected.
At the start we waited for EF, whom we wanted to battle with. However, their whale hunting had landed them in deep waters (LOL JOKE WITHOUT INTENDING IT TO). Many NPOs, such as greenpeace, prosecuted Exiled force for their cruelty against these blubbery mammals. So we decided to fight DA BLOODY VIk1ngz.
Malice vs Bloody Vikings
With BV defending BH stairs, Inu's troops decided to rush them, kick some ass and get the hell out. But that wasn't what BV had in mind. After a quick sweep, they kept returning, giving up more Mithril then our hands could carry. Jk NO MITH IS EVER ENOUGH FOR OUR BANKS.
Malice vs Outrage
After this, we decided to get a Run in with Outrage. Mighty as them warriors were, we told 'single spells only'. Outrage ofc broke this rule, barraging all around. Outrage defended Furnace like a cat in Asia, but Inu and the rest of the Asians ate them all like usual. ******* magnets yo. However, as we were walking down to edge, their return group slammed into us like a brick wall. Our remaining force, low on food as we are, could not overcome the multitude of disadvantages placed against us. Good fight Outrage, hopefully we get to do more of these next week. :3
Malice vs TB, TH ad BV
A regroup at edge later, we were back our homeworld, and looking for opponents who dared still face us. After hearing about Exiled Fork's dissapointing pull, we set our minds on our mortal enemies, Shelterer of Mafia and the kids who won a prep from us; The Hatred.
Alas, EF and TH wouldn't fight us, and we had to find another clan to close.
We met TurBulence, they obviously ran.
Who else then the Mighty bloody vikings could hear our call? Our mighty roar? Our little cry?
Ears like a hawk, blood like a daisy, mithril like frodo getting pierced by a troll, their armor was no match for our might.
After clearing BV, TH rushed us. Action much? But even after destroying the Vikings made of Blood, The Hatred proved too short.
I need pics and vid of this though, because TB suddenly found the balls to hit Malice while Inu was returning.
Because they had the nerve to attack Asia, we decided to prison them in CA, lolling while they had unlimited prayer.
Malice + IR vs TH + BV
After these events, we were looking around, trying to find people who still wanted some action on this Saturday.
2 hours in the PKRI, we still had 28 warriors ready to get some lootations, and found our next brave opponent; Intense Redemption.
The fight got crashed by BV, who died for a Third time against us, and right when we smited BV we got crashed by TH, who never pushed far enough to actually hit us. IR holding them off, we pushed em in single with one mighty push.
Right when we thought the action was over, BV tried to rush outside of maze.
Nice try Vikings, but your longboats were headed home today.
It was a fun fight Intense Redemption, sorry it got crashed. Oh and Willy, you have a small penor.
Malice vs Turbulence
After we were done with that scrap, we decided to try and kill Inu whilst we was at the sperm hill. As he was tanking, we ran into TB who had about 7 more than us. We fought on, but we were out of prayer and food, which led to them taking the early edge. However, as our returners pressed on, we took the sperm hill and pushed them to the northern hill. This eventually led us to pushing TB all the way to Chaos altar. This mistake cost us the war, for our lower levels were shat on by their influx of GE recruits (level 50's).