#Malice | Site | Memberlist | MaliceStudios
Today Malice started massing with a disappointing amount of people on IRC: 10. This caused the two staff members present to **** their pants. However, their worry was for naught. Malice exited their humble abode located in the Jolly Boar Inn, and with 25 loyal soldiers they marched on. Seeing this unprecedented valour, many more decided to follow suit, which led to us peaking at 33 warriors.
The trip started off like ****. Every clan trembled before the might of Malice, ignoring our pm's and running. We finally found one challenger, a clan by the name of Team Blue. They defended at the sperm hill and we rushed in. Team Blue had a slight advantage in opts over us, but our experience was too much for them. However, Intense Redemption crashed at the worst time for us, right when we were about to make one final call to end the battle. We regrouped and re-rushed, however we ended up losing due to a variety of reasons.
After finally getting some action, we saw Lil Hormone just walking around the wilderness, trespassing Malice's territory. Although we love our brothers in Zenith, we decided to attack Hormone, and in return, fight Zenith. We put up a valiant fight down 15 people, but EOP crashed the fight as well as another clan I died before seeing.
After this fight, we decided to say hello to our friends in Norway. They were famed to be the bloodiest of them all, worthy of mention by the bards in Valhalla. We fought these vikingz at BH steps, with them having a slight edge in options. However, we eventually flushed them out of BH and hit their regroup below the stairs. We then scattered their main body and sent them off in their longboats. We chased a couple of them to the chaos altar, walked back below to BH and went to bank our viking weapons.
After this, we heard that there was a flurry of activity going on at w 167. This activity was caused by none other than Exiled Force, the murderers of whales. With Marineland in mind, we rushed in to take revenge on these blubber smiters. However, it seemed as though we arrived too late, as NME had mopped up the scene with their mop. We killed the few Demolition + Exiled force stragglers and went on our way.
Our second fight with Team Blue was an interesting, yet unfortunate one. Down approximately 6 people, we knew that our organization would have to be stellar in order to beat TB. However, an unseen misfortune occurred. During our rush, we forgot about the loading screen. Our members lagged, and the first piles ended up dying instantly. Good fight Team Blue, we will love to fight you in the future.
After this, we decided to hit THE bloody vikingz once more. We mutinied their clan, and went to slaughter them. Bv in response ran to single, and piled the lone asian Inu at bounty hunter steps as he tried to negotiate a fight. After they ran, a bunch of mains attacked us. While fighting them, Zenith came in and rushed us. We decided to call it a day there.