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Malice vs THNBV
Malice first tested the day’s potential with 25 attending Members against The Hatred and a couple of Bloody Vikingz and Negative members that had been asked to annex with TH for the duration of the event. The fight went well for us though it seemed we had a slight opt disadvantage, which was obviously nullified by the great organisational disadvantage TH had due to their tag-alongs. The fight was fun-filled, all fair play and we thank The Hatred and all their extra attendees for the scimitars and friendly competition. We ended with approximately 21
Malices vs THNBV #2
The THNBV trio gave us a surprise revisit after we had rebanked and hopped to a remote world. It was clear to us several seconds into the fight that the gap in opts between the two entities had become too unfavourable in the time since our first confrontation and we decided to even out their disservice to us by walking to single and kindly waving goodbye.
Malice vs NME, THNBV, WAR, Z
Trying to switch things up we next prepared a fight vs Enemy. They gave us the green light to attack them at the hill west of the maze. The fight had only begun when TH went against their reputation by making a disappointing move and crashed us. The fact that we had anticrashed their fight vs. WAR the previous weekend made it an even bigger surprise to us. Though our investment of friendship we had in TH may have proved to be worth little, we see the better of it all and realize that it is in our benefit that the rather one-sided relationship has now been disposed of.
The fight moved into the maze and TH at first couldn’t decide whether to rush us a second time after it had become clear to them that NME and Malice would then focus their attacks on purple capes. They decided to rush but it did not matter, for soon after WAR and then Zenith crashed into the fight.
Malice vs THNBV #3
A rematch vs NME was in order, but getting prayer at the chaos altar we saw familiar faces and yet again THNBV battled it out with us. This time the circumstances were fair and as the numbers were a lot more even we had yet more ease than in the first battle. THNBV went down but put up a decent fight.
Malice vs Nme #2
Though now we had significantly less than when we first organized the run-in vs. Enemy we decided to hold true to our honour and give them a battle at the maze none-the-less. The beginning was close but Enemy got the best of us in the end. Thank you for the fight Enemy and thank you for working together with us so cooperatively when our initial battle went awry.
Next week we hope to come at the Pure World with just as much success and a bigger sum of opts. Keep your eyes open, everybody!