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Today, we massed a bit late, losing some Gmter's in the process, than headed out for our first majour event. We were originally going to the wilderness, but it seemed like no other clan was out. So, we attended the PCL like any other clan and had some fun there, not to mention dominating except to our loss to I + V.
P Starting: 14
RB starting: 12
P ending: 9
RB ending: 0
We had alot of fun in this round, and RB didn't disappoint us by giving us a good challenge.
P starting: 14
MG starting: 10
P ending: 10
MG ending: 0
This round was by far the closest war we had today. It went down to a point where it was 11 vs 10, where MG's levels could take over the war. However, we kept out composure, and with some timely piles, took them down.
P starting: 15
IV starting: 22
P ending: 0
IV ending: 19-20ish?
We had a bad rush (My fault), ended up us getting too spread out and succumbing to their opt advantage. Good fight IV, hopefully we can war just one clan next time.
P starting: 15
OB starting: 9
P Ending: 12
OB ending: 0
This round was against OB, who we knew were organized as well as highly levelled. We saw them spreading in the trees and hit from the east, trying to trap the OB members inside their own trees. It worked, and they were downed.
P starting: 15
CS starting: 12
P ending: 11
CS ending: 0
This one was against CS, the clan we've warred the most. We spread along the bones, knowing that we had more rangers than they did. I tried to lure and got downed (lol), but we picked it up and beasted the run in.
P starting: 15
MG starting: 12
P ending: 13
MG endign: 0
I apologize to the MG members this round. A rune pure got in our open channel and harrased them. Sorry, but he was kicked.
P starting: 14
OB starting: Forgot, could someone confirm/
P ending: 7
OB ending: 0
Good round, we never took our feet off the pedal and rolled right through them.
We ended after that.
It was fun guys, hopefully we can do this again!
Video coming soon