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Everything posted by NoSympathyy
Haha, I'll try and do something with you this week sometime :) And I'll scan your vault just after the montage, I don't have much time and am focusing on clips atm xD
Yo PureWarfare :P I'm doing my first Call Of Duty montage, so I decided to open it up with a little trailer. Feel free to read the description for more in f and any rating and comments/feedback is seriously appreciate as it'll help future montages only but get better. I hope you enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIUqwPte0WI
Haha, :P. Everyone has their preferences :)
Yes definitely! Let me know of your PSN, if not and if you see this message then just add me (incase it takes me a day or two to get back to you) "NoSympathyy" I don't care about people being good, I care about people having fun and that is my goal in life. See you soon! :)
Ah that's a fair comment, I appreciate the honesty! It's all done within a weeks worth and regardless of the clips I'm going to make a video per week to keep my channel active and to interact with my subscribers, unfortunately the majority is RuneScape based but I get a good handful who support me whatever I do and for that I couldn't appreciate them more. As for competitive gaming, for now, I'll just play without pressure of letting people/teams down although I have been in one in the past and am solely a team player, I just put too much expectations on myself and when I cost a team one mistake I beat myself up for it. I'm just like that, it's feelings not thoughts, which over-time can change but in time needs working on. So i'll stick to single play with whoever and whenever :)
Ah, there's only a certain amount one can do with an introduction and if it's claimed as "Overused" it's more and likely due to the fact that it's good. Well, that's my opinion of it anyways haha. Well, I hope you enjoyed it and perhaps check out later episodes, I'm trying to step up my game but I really only play for fun. So there's a limit to how good these clips can honestly get. Just being honest with people!
(This is a Call of Duty post, so if you didn't want to carry on reading, save yourself the time and look elsewhere (just helping)). Hey everyone :D <3 Hope you guys and girls are doing well. Back to school/college/university are we? Sucks! Lamesauce haha. I'm doing great myself and I've released my Third Episode of 'My weekly highlights', personally my favourite introduction to the series, just because I was surprised I pulled it off :/ haha! Hope you lot enjoy this weeks and until next time, I thank you for reading and/or watching! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtnJH02SOOI
Howdy PureWarfare, hope everyone had a good summer as unfortunately it's closing towards an end :( LAME! haha. Well this is my second video in the series of Call Of Duty, if no-one has ever seen my content, please have a little look and perhaps leave some feedback; I feel this episode has put my first one to shame! SHAME! Haha. So, I hope you lot enjoy and take care :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK8Dt8JOqqc
Haha thanks man, I mainly aim to have fun but there is always a competitive side to my gaming, so for that I make video's and attempt to entertain the minority who follow me. (For which I love them alllllll) Song is linked in the description but I'll jot it down here for you since you've been awesome all year to me! CianDnB - Dreaming Copyright free song - incase anyone was wondering they can use it too!
If anybody knows me from my runescape series My Hybrid Experience, perhaps you may like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf0HoSBtMkI...mp;feature=plcp Thank you Pure Warfare for allowing me to post my content.
Howdy Pure Warfare, hope you clans are still staying strong! :D keep it up :P Anyways, I've released my uncomplete version (working progress version) of my latest track I'm working on, appreciate ANYONE who could show me some love, perhaps leave a rating and a comment on the video if possible, asides that I thank you for reading & listening to the song. Take care :P
Why is everyone saying that? Of-course I've quit, I just wanted to post video's of clips people haven't seen before. I find it odd people think I'd even come back when I made a Finalé video which made clear I wasn't returning :/
Just did a little bit of hybridding, gave it my everything as I was on a 16-0 streak in the wilderness, came across this guy and was pounding him with everything I had, so it was personal for me haha. Well, we can't win them all now can we? Hope you enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA23amJqo8k
Like the title says. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObDRIg98ejs
I've been playing RuneScape on and off since 2003-2012 as many of you have seen my Finalé video, I had a good run. Why did I quit? Because, It's not about adapting to this new update happening soon the EoC (Evolution of Combat), it's about continuing the legacy RuneScape was and has always been. No OTHER MMORPG comes close to how RuneScape was. So unique. The community, although can be separated by clans, by people who play to just annoy others and by those who have been playing for a long time, was all one. Update after update Jagex tried to make the game more efficient, not just for the players but for their game and to attract a newer base of customers. I for one cannot agree all their updated decisions were good, nor were they dramatically bad. On the other hand every update we stuck with them, we lost friends and family along the way with the removal of Wildy, The new Hitpoints Update, Bringing back Free-Trade and so forth, but asides those numbers we still remained for our one true passion. RuneScape. If you are a video maker, I see this as one last stand. I have never really helped out along with those riots always happening at varrock square throughout the years, but if this is our last chance to make Jagex see that that other company who bought 55% of their shares are ruining the game for the majority (although the minority do enjoy the EoC and I'm not here to say you're wrong, so please don't think otherwise) they should step back in and take action. Listen to the video, watch the old memories and maybe we can send a message through to someone, somewhere who has the possible actions and final decisions to change their mind and help out this community that is now a split family. This is just my say, this is NOT my video, I just remixed it all credits go to MLGi for creating it and respect for that. Leave a comment on the topic if you can, help share it around, either my video or the original video (in my video description). Note: To those saying we won't do anything and it'll have no effect. I for one understand that, but I see this as our last stand. I quit the game to stop paying my fee's towards a corrupt game. I miss RS, I miss the community, I don't want change and if you're for or against it let your opinions be heard! Random Question: How many actual legit players do you think remain playing everyday to this date? My Video (ReMixed): Original video: Creator of the video: http://www.youtube.com/user/MLGudi
Re-Ru. Basically stands for Re-Edited and Re-Uploaded. My old content, just furnished it up a little bit more. Enjoy the video and hope everyones summer is going well! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGDssPGaiHo&feature=plcp <3 pure warfare :D
I hate rushers who PJ fights and tab instantly. Want me to get hypocritical and show you how it's done? FINE! NOSYMPAAAAA-BOOOOOMMMMMMMMM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ1hyQbppro
With you? ALWAYS <3
Note: This is a RSGP Giveaway so if you're not interested, then please by all means don't stick around. Thank you. Hey peoples :) since I quit I'm just getting rid of my money as I don't really have much use of it anymore so if anyone is interested check out the video below. Please note: It's a giveaway game. Yes, it's a game. Read the rules/Listen to the rules and understand how to play. Just thought I'd spice up giveaways since it's the last runescape rsgp giveaway I'll ever do. Goodluck to everyone/anyone who enters and thank you PureWarfare for allowing me to advertise upon their website. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrA2aaIsB6k
Title says it all. Thank you to everyone who supported me :) Perhaps help me to 75 likes if you're in a 'thumb-giving-up' mood (yes, that's what she said!) Be sure to look for my RSGP giveaway on my other video, in-case you missed it. Take care
Yo justin, special thank you to you too! Always been there on my topics, I appreciate every comment you give towards me. Always looked forwards to them and am going to miss them so much. Take care of yourself brother. Stay out of trouble. Cheers lad <3
He's one special guy! :)
Usually I just write a few things then tweak the name of the forum i'm sending it to then post. Some people will understand what I mean and if you haven't seen me on these boards then you won't haha :P Anyways, to the point; Quick FYI; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYgee5Sy0Sw My Quitting Blog. I've covered the majority of clans I needed to cover but for those pure clans who haven't received an Dear ".." post it's because with respect, I don't know you as well. Although I know many other clans have helped me along my way, such as Havoc, Eruption of Pures, NPO, POT and TLP, to you guys I thank you, for everything you've done. Especially for allowing me to post my content without supervision needed and/or permission due to trust. Thank you. Special thank you to PureWarfare for allowing me to post my content upon their forums. I thank you sincerely as I've met some wonderful people and gained a brilliant fan-base in hopes when I move onto newer games from now, I still have this strong, dominant subscriber fan-base behind me knocking out those new trolls from other games. Everyone knows a Runescape troll is the BEST and most dominant troll. COD "kids" have nothing on us! Haha. So once again PW and to all guests, I thank you, love you and take care of yourselves. Goodluck in your future goals and apologies if this comes out ever so cheesy and OTT but meh, It's the only way I can show my appreciation properly! After all, how often does one get thanked? Take care guys and girls. - Liam. Special thank you to Trev.