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Everything posted by Ray

  1. I agree with all the other ppl, that is pretty s--i--c----k
  2. Try out EOD, it's a great place to start. http://www.eod-rs.com #eod
  3. It's alright if you don't know who Fi is. If you are very new to the pure clan world, Fi probably will not be very familiar to you. I'll give you a brief introduction though. Fi or Fatality is one of the oldest and greatest pure clans. They have been around since 2004 or something. Since then they have always been the #1 pure clan, or among the top 3 at least. Usually, Fi would be #1 in f2p and #3 in p2p. For several years they have been a dominating power in the pure world. Just a few months ago, all their leaders decided that they were too old for this game so they all retired. Many others followed their example and retired as well. They passed the clan down to Hella 0wned and Shot Cutter. They are no longer top 3, but they are a strong competitor in the #6-#7 positions. They are now known for their amazing community and excellent p2p miniwarring skills.
  4. Well I'll be damned, you guys beat Fatality. That takes quite a bit of skill, great job.
  5. Hey you might want to show a little more respect towards other people.
  6. 5 family members for sure. The guilt caused by not saving a million people is not much more than the guilt of not saving 5 people. You feel that you have let people die either way. By not saving 5 family members, there are much greater consequences than just guilt, therefore the cost of saving 5 family members is much more than the cost of not saving 1 million strangers. From a relative point of view, saving 5 family members is the best of two bad situations. Seeing things from a relative point of view is not the absolute correct method, no method is, but it is a viable way of finding solutions to moral dilemmas. Relativity is often criticized that it weighs your own death equally with the destruction of everything else. To you, both situations may seem the same, but most people will see the former option as clearly the better option.
  7. It is difficult to conclude the weighting of potential versus consistency because it is solely based upon personal opinion. From a utilitarian point of view, if the members of a given clan were to enjoy having several successful pk trip over having few victorious full out wars, then to that clan, consistency would be of higher value, whereas if the given clan were to enjoy winning full out wars over winning pk run-ins, then potential would be of higher value. The value of a full out war and a pk trip are not equal though. A full out war has more hype leading up to the war, more enjoyment during the fight, and a victory would yield a much greater morale boost. The question is the ratio of utility gained from pk trips to full out wars. That is based on personal preference. From the utilitarian point of view, a clan that values potential and has a full out war every 2-3 weeks is just as successful as a clan that declines every full out war but is successful on pk trips. In conclusion, the most successful clan is not a clan that has the greatest consistency or the greatest potential, but a clan that gains the most utility from it. An approximate equation may be success = (How much the clan values potential)x(how often the clan wins full outs wars) + (How much the clan values consistency)x(how often the clan has successful pk trips).
  8. Chairman Ray (1 def) and 1 g2g poo (25 def)
  9. Oh my, so many good people to choose from! I'll edit as soon as I make up my mind on something. Favorite Admin: Omni Favorite Moderator: CJ Favorite Senior Member: Kosherkid Favorite Honoured Member: Anthoni Favorite Clan leader:Old pker Forum Awards Best Spammer: `Pure Best Poster:Ryan Best Troll: Worst Troll:Ape Funniest Member:`Pure Smartest Poster:Old pker Best Signature:Dotfire (MY SIG!) Best Avatar: In-game Awards Best Tank:Skele--pures Best F2p Pker:Eun1que pk Best P2p Pker:3njoy--lumby Topic Awards Best Guide:Kool Aid Best Acheivement:(20:21:04) <@[EOD]Sick> i dont get the girls, the girls come to me Best Pk Vid:3njoy--lumby Best Gallery:
  10. I am happy when me and a few friends go into the wilderness with a full inventory of food and leave with a full inventory of rune stuff. If someone didn't get much loot during the trip, we would always share with some with them. If someone we killed asks nicely, we would also give them their stuff back and ask them to be friends with us. The old wilderness with my main clan was the best times I've ever had in rs :)
  11. You crazy Aussies and your Raro... :lol:
  12. Awesome guide. I use bottled water or filtered water though, the impurities of tap water can be tasted.
  13. Pure clans back then had their primary focus being pking and secondary focus being warring. A successful trip would be one where you go into the wilderness with an inventory of food and you leave with a full inventory of loot. Pure clans would have wars to test their organization skills against a skilled opponent instead of the same old full rune guy running his ass off. That's when wars were respectful. The direct cause of it is the clan ranking system that these forums promote. The fact that we have put so much importance on clan rankings has made people unwilling to accept defeat, and that's where conflicts arise. When clans fight each other, all they care about is victory. Back then, everyone still wanted to win, but the fun you have, the skills you gain, and the ties you make with other clans is just as important. The reason for that is because all a loss means is that you have things you need to improve on. In today's world, what would we call the old pure clans? We would call them pk teams. Just like NP or TC, their primary focus is going out there and killing random people for loot, and then having wars and run ins for something more challenging. Regardless of being called a 'clan', clans in this day and age are different than clans back then. The major contributor to the state of today's pure world is the clan ranking system. If PC/PW did not have the clan discussion area or the clan run-ins area, and were designed to help people make pures instead, things would be a lot different.
  14. community forums are the reason for pure clan existance. Without them, pure clans would just be like pk teams. The only reason why clans go this far to beat other clans is because PC/PW set competitive standards so high. A clan's #1 priority is to attain the highest rank possible. Without PC/PW, ranks don't exist, and clans would only exist to pk.
  15. IR was around before TH, SR, and all those old school clans? I had no idea. Ur a part of history Zo =)
  16. Well here's EOD's youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/EoDTube Here's a few f2p miniwars: Here's another compilation video:
  17. looks about right, the name Fatality didn't come in much later though.
  18. Hey why don't you try EOD? They are around your level (with the exception of Sefket). They have a great community, lots of events, and are awesome at warring! YAAAAY!!!! http://www.eod-rs.com #eod
  19. Well it would be a different sort of fun, instead of "Haha we owned you guys so badly!!!", it would be "Hey it was a great fight FOE! You guys did awesome!"
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