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Everything posted by Ray

  1. Not Dp's fault, I'd be scared shitless if I had to fight TLP in bh/pvp :(
  2. - Africa - 275 - Antarctica - 292 - Asia - 301 - Australia - 301 - Europe - 209 - North America - 208 - South America - 297
  3. Ray


    Yep, if you see Fi Zarq in bh/pvp, chances are that he did bring a master wand and mage's book. That is how Fi rolls.
  4. Well we've only been beating DP for 2 weeks in f2p, so it still doesn't mean we're better than them. We got to keep it consistent. In p2p, I think DP is clearly better than us.
  5. I would have to add in that tanking in f2p takes 100x the skill than tanking in p2p does. It's just that nobody utilizes their full tanking abilities in f2p so it seems easy. It's the easiest thing ever to put on a staff, start eating, and dragging/hugging. Actual tanking in f2p is quite difficult.
  6. I just ate a piece of toast with raspberry jam on it...
  7. If you f2p and p2p regularly, you'd definitely know that p2p pk run-ins take more skill. Let's compare each aspect: Tanking: In f2p, you have swordfish, pizzas, and a staff, and when you get piled, just simply drag back. In p2p you have sharks, brews, pizza/pie, choc bomb, restore, ice barrage, blood barrage, necks, pray switches, and when you get piled, you can barrage back, drag, stay in one spot and tank it, or maneuver to get them clumped. Returning: In f2p, you can either run back or hop from p2p world. In p2p, you teleport to bh/cwars/zombies/obelisk and get right back in the fight much faster than in f2p. Pushing: In f2p, you just run in and start attacking people. In p2p you gotta run in staying spread out while pushing Weaponry: In f2p you got bow and scim, nuff said Numbers: In p2p you can win severly outnumbered. That's all that matters. When people say that you have more people in f2p, that doesn't mean anything because a 50v50 is no different from a 90v90. You still fight the same way. Organization: P2p has the same amount if not more clan organization then f2p does, but on top of that you have your personal skill as well. In f2p, just stick with the purple dots and push when told. In p2p, stick with the purple dots but make sure there is always one square between you and everyone else. There's one major thing that p2p has and f2p lacks. In p2p, you gotta work together with the guys beside you (specing, barraging, tanking, etc). In f2p, you don't gotta worry about that at all.
  8. why is it only people in Malice that hit on full rune with 2h's! I can't even hit on full rune with 99 range! GOSH!
  9. Be sure to add in "No 50 yr old dudes pretending to be girls plz"
  10. oh nice job Hf =) Btw I have one question. Why do you guys charge while fallen in and stay in clumps to pile? Is barraging a lot weaker for rune pures?
  11. There's enough hatred going on with every single other pure clan around. EOP in the pure world is like the one romance scene in an action film. With all the extreme competition, a lot of clans lose sight of the friendship and community that exists between people of different clans. No matter how good EOP does, we will never drag ourselves into the whole clan drama thing. We will always be that one romance scene, because we got love for you, and everyone else in the pure world.
  13. Hey I never really got to know you that well from the couple weeks I was sorta in IR, but I know enough to tell you that EOP is the best clan for you, and EOP really needs you as well. You've been around long enough so I'm sure you know EOP inside and out, but there's still a few things I would like to say. Among the IR staff, you seemed like the type that is out there is have a great time instead of trying to prove that you're better than everyone else. You weren't the one that was always out there arguing with other clans and sticking up for IR. In a lot of clans, that's a bad thing, but in EOP, that's all we want in our members. EOP has been recently competing in top 3 in f2p, pulling 97 to our last trip. Even at this stage, you still don't see a flood of EOP going on PW just to flame other clans. Goop sticks up for EOP when other clans insult us, and Old Pker is always there to make peace and friendship no matter what others say. No matter how strong we are, we will never get dragged into all the clan drama. On weekends, we're just there to have a blast, in miniwars, we're just there to have a challenge and improve our skills. Never are we trying to show that we're better than other clans, and that's something that I think you would value very much in a clan. Right now EOP is transitioning into p2p. We've been having a lot of p2p minis and succeeding in most, but we're losing to the p2p bosses like Fatality. Each weekend, we are also pulling more and more people to p2p trips. Today, we were contending with clans like C, E, and IR. We still have a ways to go before we become a p2p powerhouse, but we're getting there, and we need your help. EOP definitely has a great potential to do well in p2p. We have some of the most skilled rs warrers there is, and we show it in f2p. We need people like you who are very experienced in p2p to lead the way. I spoke with some ppl in IR earlier, and they said that you didn't leave because of any sort of conflicts, and that's good. A few months ago, I left A for Fi because I sort of needed a vacation, a breathe of fresh air. I went back to A about a month later, but that month was one of the greatest times in my rs career. I got to meet amazing new people, and I learned how to p2p war for the first time. At the same time, I taught them a lot of the f2p skills that made A the deadliest f2p miniwarring clan. I don't know if you're looking for a new clan to call home, or just going on a vacation, but either way, EOP is the perfect clan. After A closed, I was thinking about joining TGG. There were still 2 weeks before TGG reopened so I applied for EOP just to have a clan to chill with for 2 weeks. Even though EOP knew I was only temporary, they accepted me anyways. They're the most chill clan I've ever seen, and that's really saying something because I was in A. I decided to stay in EOP and give them a chance because I really see them as a clan that I can call home. The EOP members you saw years back, you still see them there today, and after joining EOP, I know exactly why they are still here today. The community is just wonderful. Even if I decide that EOP's not the clan for me and I quit, I'm sure they will be cool with it and not like blacklist me or anything. So really, give EOP a chance to let them show you that they're the greatest clan in rs. http://eruptionofpures.ipbfree.com #clan-eop Talk to me on IRC sometime, I'll be hunting you down, and I'll keep hunting you down until you join EOP ^_^
  14. Ok, new list: 1. IR - Just got Theme Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sdZWCIoNCQ 2. MM - #1 overall, but only ingame 3. FOE - Pretty much matched with MM, but has not been doing as well
  15. Be a real G Join E-O-D
  16. fi fi or fi (assuming fi doesn't crash)
  17. - Africa - 275 - Antarctica - 294 - Asia - 300 - Australia - 301 - Europe - 209 - North America - 207 - South America - 299
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