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Everything posted by Azrael

  1. None really, I don't know of any of them.
  2. Botters broke the rules they agreed to when they made their account. They have no reason to complain.
  3. Pretty much. But now I'm going to check all your posts!
  4. Maybe now I won't have to read through 10 pages of Cp and Nme topics. Good idea.
  5. Good job today, Cp. Nice to see you doing well in P2P.
  6. Great job, Eop. Looked eventful.
  7. Iceblock and Bigsy teled. Good fights, all those 67's were too much for us. :(
  8. This is a very interesting clan discussion. Happy birthday Solo.
  9. It was flame free when it was just Ai and R. owell
  10. People shouldn't be scared of clan wars. :tito:
  11. It's not about the 2 defence levels, it's about the addy in f2p. Edit: Mikey lol <3 Foe doesn't use addy in F2P. I don't think increasing their defence requirement will change that. OT:It's 2 levels, doesn't matter.
  12. your kidding me right... you want us to belive he teled from you for less risk and then decided to die for zerk ring cuz he wanted too?.. 2nd vid i do agree that if you have a yak you should get to use it but where you got the idea hes been pjed ATLEAST 2 TIMES i dont know cuz i didnt see it in the vid also i cant see anywhere in his post hes asking us all to be honor "even tho he cant be" so that was just pointless and stupid to mention you keep mentioning a safety net cuz of tabs in high risk pking even doe you said yourself b4 he died to you and didnt tab for zerk ring (higher risk then 99% of kids out there) you have no idea what your talking about your just taking a stab at any one you can, TLP hasnt been NH at all any tlp member that is caught tele gets kicked you idiot bring us pics and vids and they will be delt with. you need to think b4 you post 1. I just tell it how it is. If you splash on him 3 times, his hp bar doesnt show up so he just teleports away. Idc if you believe me. He always pjs first so of course people are going to be butthurt and pj him back(like me) 2. If you watched his video he clearly says "its stupid to be honor because no1 else is" though I am honor so i dont see how its a valid statement. The quote obviously means he would love to be honor if every1 else was. But sala himself isn't honor, so how can every1 else be honor too? 3. Well maybe sala is actually smart/was hiding on our ts because when he was running down with his lil zerk ring I told my friend to have his little screenie button ready because he teleported before. I knew he was tlp that's why i was shocked that he teleported the first two times. This third time I knew he was screwed and had my trigger finger ready. HE STILL BRINGS TABS THO. DONT YOU GET IT. HE DOESN'T HAVE TO BRING TABS. HE COULD JUST HAVE THEM IN HIS BANK. THE ONLY REASON TO BRING TABS IS IF YOU PLAN ON USING THEM. 4. I will name 3 people (were/are) in tlp. 1. Sala (who was nh for months before leaving) 2. Boned or w/e his official rsn is. was nh for 2 months b/c tlp refuses to kick ppl based off pictures. Finally d4rk mayhem got it on vid. 3. Meme Owns. Teleported on vid. Nothing happened. These were just off the top of my head. TLP/EOP have silly rules. "You can teleport if your hp bar isn't up" even though the hp bar goes away faster than 10 seconds, hp bar disappears if you get splashed on 3 times, hp bar disappears if you are offscreen. "You can bring tabs in your inventory to bank" "Rol/glory teleport is a summoning spec" This is what happens every time I present a teleport picture to an OP over the past 18months. And I'm not the best screenier in the world. I can't just turn my camera angle perfectly and snap it right as he teleports as the teleport emote disappears far too fast while in combat. But really. I post pic of a Sala teleporting, Sala has tabs in his inv, his hp bar isn't up because hes offscreen(it was during the time in rs where if you weren't looking at some1, their hp bar wouldn't show up until your next hit; not when you moved your camera towards them). ur cute doh. i didn't tele 1 time while being tlp, or else there would be videos/pics because you guys are major fanboys. hell you made 3 topics over 1 hitting me with a gmaul which got over 5 pages on each on your forums. explain m8 s0n i know you love to be a scumbag but please refrain from lying. it was 2 topics and 1 was the video and the other was the kill pic(which i edited it!) And yeah you are a hot topic on MM forums cuz u are a total hypocrite + a ****** so what do u expect from an honor clan? Oh and plz reupload that pic with 1 cursor :down:
  13. Great job, Relapse. Glad to see you guys going strong.
  14. Most people just tele on their clan account. The leaders don't care.
  15. inb4someone mentions you have 32 def OT:Good job, very impressive.
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