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Everything posted by Azrael

  1. People aren't allowed to post IP's on this site. I believe Solo already showed the proof to Karl (which is why this isn't locked).
  2. Pretty pathetic, but I don't expect much from Mm. Tbh, just use that account on trips anyway. That will make them mad.
  3. I just remember him from the cartoon.
  4. Probably rent them. I loved playing Halo and Halo 2, and a bit of Halo 3. ODST and Reach were kinda boring, imo.
  5. Would be pretty cool, but I doubt it would happen.
  6. If anyone had under 5, I would be impressed. Good job to Mm for being fairly close.
  7. Nice accounts. I don't know any openly nh clans on this site besides Outrage.
  8. Is that the guy who made cards explode? hell yea brah I ******* loved that guy.
  9. There are no badminton finals today, nice troll.
  10. Is that the guy who made cards explode?
  11. I've never played a Metal Gear Solid game. :S
  12. Depends what your goal is. I had a blast writing our last topic, because for me I was reliving a fun trip. If you're posting a trip that went bad and try to flamebait and blame other clans and that's your entire reason for making a topic, you shouldn't start. Makes nobody feel happy. Your clan is in the minority, sadly. Most clans don't pk for fun anymore.
  13. This community will never become any less immature. Trip topics are stupid anyway.
  14. Pure Community may be dead...but Sefket lives on in our hearts forever.
  15. LPC's in PCL days are the reason people still think their clans are low/med. I was in two of those clans and they were filled with high levels. (I was like 80 something). The levels didn't need to be close together, because none of the clans had to worry about pking together. That being said, they were pretty fun. Also, it was Joemoma826, how dare you forget the 3 numbers at the end of an rsn I haven't used since 08?
  16. Didn't your clan just decline a P2P fullout with FOE because "100v100 isn't fullout"? For a clan that brags about their 3 100v100 "fullout" wins last year nonstop, seems like FOE aren't the ones full of excuses anymore. what? where are you going with this lol? If clans can pull over 100 and if it's capped at 100.. it's not a full out. Our past wars with FOE, neither clan was pulling much over 100 so the cap wasn't that big of a deal. It's different now. pretty sure each clan had to sit a few, so it wasnt a fullout but gratz on ur 3 matched prep wins last year. Yes because there was any other way of warring last year. Especially when no one wanted to war in the PVP zone because of crashers. Besides, I think I'm right in saying MM only pulled 103 for the war. Sorry to those 3 who had to sit. Sit down, shut up. A full out war involving any of the top 3 clans would get crashed. Also, your clan seems to have a bit of history with a clan that tends to crash pure wars involving you. Not naming any names, of course. :Slim:
  17. Didn't your clan just decline a P2P fullout with FOE because "100v100 isn't fullout"? For a clan that brags about their 3 100v100 "fullout" wins last year nonstop, seems like FOE aren't the ones full of excuses anymore. what? where are you going with this lol? If clans can pull over 100 and if it's capped at 100.. it's not a full out. Our past wars with FOE, neither clan was pulling much over 100 so the cap wasn't that big of a deal. It's different now. pretty sure each clan had to sit a few, so it wasnt a fullout but gratz on ur 3 matched prep wins last year. I seriously love you.
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