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Everything posted by Azrael

  1. Azrael

    Nintendo 64

    The N64 was amazing. I still remember staying up all night playing Goldeneye, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Stadium, Vigilante 8, Perfect Dark and other games. It was a blast.
  2. Pretty much sums it up. If your clan allows 20 defence, you aren't a pure clan. None of the 30 defence arguments are relevant coming from clans that are also at fault. 30 defence with turmoil will be more pure than 20 defence with any type of bonuses any day. Quit making topics like this unless you're willing to get rid of your mith...if not, don't bother.
  3. It'd be cool, but it wouldn't work.
  4. As a man in Ascendency once told me; "The only people who get hacked are account sharers and people who watch child porn"
  5. No, because they accept 20 defence.
  6. There are no wimminz on the internet.
  7. If you don't like rune pures and tanks, you don't have to post on their topic.
  8. You laughed at that but failed to realise that your clan accepts mains. GJ on your win HF. Coming from a person whom was heavily involved in the main clan community before creating a pure, the accounts are created too differently to war the same. Yes, a pure clan can take down a main clan with relative ease depending on the clans, but in the same regards we are not looking for the respect, admiration or even acknowledgement from mains. Yes we often post trip topics on RSC and whatnot, but that is simply to attempt to appeal to pures who do not know about this place. Your clan also accepts mains. Great job, Hf.
  9. It's because every newfag member in this community now thinks they're bigger than their clan. I'm bigger than your clan.
  10. Lol @ Mm thinking 20 defence is pure.
  11. This topic is bad and you should feel bad.
  12. This because BrbCallingHF was my rsn once.
  13. MM complaining about mains The hypocrisy brings tears to my eyes dude, you're eop.. you dont have the right to talk about mains and good fight foe, was fun :thumbsup: cya next week, hopefully with less crashing and mains Dude, you're MM.. you called mains almost every fight for the past year and half. HF only anti-crashes for us when foe calls eop, and when eop calls foe, and when its just straight up foeop :thumbsup: If you believe that you either joined recently or are delusional. please give me an example of a time when HF came and it wasn't because FOE and EOP were joined to the hip. Please. I really wanna see one. This was probably before you joined MM. Strong join date m8. 1:17 for HF running THROUGH MM to hit Foe. 1:40 for an MM member saying OFF HF. Please leave this topic good sir. Get out of here with your proof, liar idiot.
  14. MM complaining about mains The hypocrisy brings tears to my eyes dude, you're eop.. you dont have the right to talk about mains and good fight foe, was fun :thumbsup: cya next week, hopefully with less crashing and mains Dude, you're MM.. you called mains almost every fight for the past year and half. HF only anti-crashes for us when foe calls eop, and when eop calls foe, and when its just straight up foeop :thumbsup: If you believe that you either joined recently or are delusional. please give me an example of a time when HF came and it wasn't because FOE and EOP were joined to the hip. Please. I really wanna see one. Every Sunday last year? Mm and Hf started the teaming. If you hadn't joined Mm in `11, you'd know this.
  15. MM complaining about mains The hypocrisy brings tears to my eyes dude, you're eop.. you dont have the right to talk about mains and good fight foe, was fun :thumbsup: cya next week, hopefully with less crashing and mains Dude, you're MM.. you called mains almost every fight for the past year and half. HF only anti-crashes for us when foe calls eop, and when eop calls foe, and when its just straight up foeop :thumbsup: If you believe that you either joined recently or are delusional.
  16. mm teams with hf argument is invalid when did we team with hf :/ Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......... Hahahahahahaha. Anyway, great job Foe. Looks like you guys have been stepping up lately.
  17. Sometimes, but other times it's chair.
  18. your signature is hideous You're hideous.
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